“It’s TV Jim, but not as we know it”
Forming the first generations of TV professionals for the media products he is heading is Mihai Craiu’s main aim for TvF. The school is preparing blended media specialists: digitally natives with strong traditional media background.
“The web is getting physical and impacting our most personal daily activities. Media consumption and particularly TV has been completely redefined and fostered by the technological fast peace innovations. As an active player on the Romanian TV market, I believes in a new TV business model: The Digitally Empowered Social TV” (Mihai Craiu).
Being at the forefront of media transformation and new media business model, the need for media professionals for the post digital world is higher and higher. Thus TvF estimates a market need for around around 600 – 900 students per year.
Mihai Craiu owns 75% of TvF with an initial investment of 500 000 EUR, out of which 220 000 equipping the school with the newest technology and the rest invested in Marketing services.