Nu faptul că francezii au operațiuni speciale în Libya contează – ci faptul că Ministerul Apărării a deschis imediat o anchetă în legătură cu această informație – cum a ajuns public o informație despre acțiuni ale forțelor speciale franceze. Așa da – Bravo, Vive la France :))
French special operations forces are reportedly conducting covert activities against the Islamic State in Libya, having been authorized by French President Francois Hollande, Le Monde reported Feb. 24. The French Ministry of Defense would not comment on the report but a source close to Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said the minister has ordered an investigation into how information about special operations activity had been leaked. Since the Nov. 13 Paris Attacks, France has ramped up military operations against the Islamic State throughout the militant group’s area of operations.