Tag Archives: blog mihai craiu

Profilul economic al zilei vazut de BCR

§  Leul a fost cotat de către BNR la 4,4110 în raport cu euro vineri, nivel aproape nemodificat faţă de ziua precedentă. Volumul operaţiunilor valutare a fost destul de ridicat, îndeosebi spre finalul şedinţei de tranzacţionare. Atenţia pieţelor valutare se va îndrepta în această săptămână din nou asupra Greciei, grupul miniştrilor de finanţe din zona euro urmând să se întâlnească vineri pentru a evalua stadiul implementării reformelor de către guvernul elen. O amânare a discuţiilor ca urmare a unei posibile întârzieri din partea guvernului grec nu este exclusă, caz în care atenţia pieţelor va fi aţintită asupra capacităţii Greciei de a plăti rate către FMI de aproximativ 1 miliard de euro în primele două săptămâni din luna mai.         

§  Randamentele obligaţiunilor guvernamentale cu maturităţi cuprinse între 5 şi 10 ani au crescut uşor vineri, cu 1-2 puncte de bază. Astăzi, Ministerul de Finanţe va organiza o licitaţie pentru obligaţiuni cu scadenţa în iunie 2021 în valoare de 200 milioane lei.

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Petre Ion și fiica lui Dan Voiculescu

În septembrie 2003, același interval temporal în care Petre Ion derula afaceri în asociere cu familia Udrea-Cocoș, acesta intra într-o afacere, “Romsturio SRL”, în care printre asociați se numărase până la acel moment și Corina Mirela Voiculescu (n.r. Corina este una din fiicele lui Dan Voiculescu, mai puțin aflată în lumina reflectoarelor decât sora ei Camelia. Întocmai ca în cazul firmei Danei Năstase, în clipa în care Corina Voiculescu (împreună cu alți acționari) își făcea exitul alături de ceilalți parteneri, pășeau în firmă ca noi asociați Rușan Gheorghe (familia Rușan exploatează luciurile de apă Oltina și Dunăreni în Dobrogea), Gheorghe Negrea și Petre Ion (toți trei au fost reprezentați în cadrul tranzacției de același avocat).

De precizat e că printre asociații Cameliei Voiculescu în afacerea cu “sturioni”, s-au aflat Bogdan Gabriel Neidoni și Alexandru Cristian Neidoni.

Bogdan Gabriel Neidoni e un personaj care o vreme a ocupat funcția politică de Director și mai apoi de Director Adjunct al Centrului Român pentru Promovarea Comerțului și Investițiilor Străine în guvernul Emil Boc, în perioada când Nokia a decis să renunțe la investiția din România. Ulterior a fost pus director la compania de stat Teletrans S.A.. Neidoni Gabriel Bogdan, (despre care ZF titra în 2011 că e un “no name” pe harta comunității de business, întrebându-se cum a fost pus într-o funcție de înaltă responsabilitatea precum cea de promovare a investițiilor străine) e cel care i-a vândut la începutul anilor 2000 Corinei Voiculescu 5% din afacerea cu sturioni.

Alexandru Cristian Neidoni a fost numit Consul Onorific al României în Principatul Lichtenstein în toamna lui 2013 (de Guvernul Ponta II, în mandatul lui Titus Corlățean la MAE. Linkul este http://bern.mae.ro/node/1083 ). Nu există multe date despre Consulul Alexandru Cristian Neidoni, cu excepția faptului că a reprezentat-o pe Corina Voiculescu în 2003, în tranzacția prin care firma “Romsturio SRL” a ajuns la Gheorghe Rușan, Gheorghe Negrea și Petre Ion.

Mai jos puteți consulta lista consulilor diferitelor țări în Lichtensein:


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Halucinant! De ce vor parlamentarii constănţeni pensii speciale: Banias plânge după cartea de muncă, Vasiliev nu se simte respectat de popor !?!

Sursa: Dobrogea Tv

Dorm la propriu în fotoliile confortabile de parlamentari, au secretare şi maşini la scară, dar nu mişcă un deget atunci când poporul are nevoie de ei. Din ce în ce mai mulţi au probleme cu legea şi se ascund în spatele imunităţii atunci când trebuie să meargă la puşcărie. Ei bine, dacă toate acestea nu erau de ajuns, au tupeul maxim să îşi voteze singuri pensii speciale. Urmăriţi mai jos declaraţiile halucinante a doi parlamentari constănţeni despre motivele care au stat la baza iniţiativei pentru pensile speciale, făcute la Dobrogea TV


Senator Mircea Banias: „Parlamentarii nu sunt angajaţi cu contract de muncă, nu beneficiază de o serie de drepturi pe care orice salariat le are aşa că nu cre ca este o iniţiativă care excede unui situaţii de normalitate”.





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Senatorul Marian Vasiliev: „Este o contrabalansare a terfelirii la care este supus în momentul ăsta Parlamentul, ca o formă minimă de respect…. Daca am ajuns să terfelim Senatul şi să spunem că este un senat penal format din infractori să ducem până la capat atunci, aşa să fie macar ca o compensare la ceea ce se suporta în momentul de faţă




Primul dintre aceştia se află la al doilea mandat de senator, dar nu se poate lăuda cu nimic spectaculos. Fost ofiţer de marină civilă, a lucrat la defuncta companie maritimă Romline, unde a fost director în perioada 1999- 2000, ani în care Romline era doar o amintirea a fostei flote de stat. În 2011 a întra pe mâna DNA. La acea dată procurorii anticorupţie au descoperit în portul Constanţa – Agigea o adevărată caracatiţă care încerca să controleze instituţiile statului. În cazul senatorului Mircea Banias, procurorii au dispus măsura preventivă a obligării de a nu părăsi ţara pe un termen de 30 de zile. În sarcina acestuia s-au reţinut infracţiunile de aderare la un grup infracţional organizat, trafic de influenţă şi instigare la delapidare.


„În perioada mai 2010 – martie 2011, la nivelul autorităţilor vamale şi portuare din Municipiul Constanţa, s-a constituit un grup infracţional organizat ce are scopul de a controla instituţiile Statului Român cu atribuţii în activităţile de import – export de mărfuri prin birourile vamale de pe raza Direcţiei Regionale de Accize şi Operaţiuni Vamale (D.R.A.O.V.) Constanţa, dar şi din Municipiul Bucureşti. Grupul infracţional include un important număr de persoane, între care oameni politici deţinători ai unor importante funcţii de stat (cum ar fi cea de Senator în Parlamentul României sau de secretar general al M.A.I.), persoane cu funcţii de conducere din sistemul vamal, lucrători vamali cu diferite grade profesionale, comisionari vamali, intermediari vamali, oameni de afaceri implicaţi în activitatea de import-export de mărfuri, persoane fizice beneficiare curente a mărfurilor importate în România şi transportatori”, au arătat procurorii. Până la urmă a scăpat basma curată, dar acum vrea şi pensie.

Senatorul Marian Vasiliev se află la primul mandat în parlament, dar a schimbat macazul în politică. După ce a ieşit demnitar pe listele PP- DD, s-a mutat în tabăra UNPR. Motivul: nu s-a mai înţeles cu Dan Diaconescu

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TESCO inchide 43 de magazine in UK dupa vanzarile dezastruoase de Craciun

Sursa: Dailymail


  • Tesco says sales for past 19 weeks to January 3 were down 2.9%
  • Plan to cut jobs, shut stores and head office and sell-off parts of business 
  • But six weeks over Christmas were better than expected – only a 0.3% drop 
  • M&S suffered 5.8% drop in general merchandise sales – mainly clothing
  • Boss Marc Bolland under pressure after 14th consecutive sales fall  
  • High street giant blames problems with online systems and poor weather 

Tesco and Marks & Spencer today both announced a sharp slump in sales over the Christmas period.

Britain’s biggest supermarket said sales over the past 19 weeks were down 2.9 per cent and the UK’s largest high street chain said its general merchandise sales fell 5.8 per cent in the past 13 weeks.

Tesco today slashed its prices and announced it would shut 43 unprofitable stores but has refused to reveal the ones being closed and how many jobs will go.

CEO Dave Lewis also announced its head office in Cheshunt would be shut down and they will sell-off large chunks of its business to save cash after the worst year in its history.

M&S said it struggled in the run-up to Christmas because its new online distribution centre failed to cope with demand, resulting in no next day deliveries and longer waits for customers.

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Tesco CEO Dave Lewis

In the firing line: M&S boss Marc Bolland and Tesco CEO Dave Lewis are under huge pressure after another drop in sales over Christmas

Poor results: M&S suffered much worse sales than expected in both clothing sales and food sales, new figures revealed

Poor results: M&S suffered much worse sales than expected in both clothing sales and food sales, new figures revealed

Tesco and Marks & Spencer both appear to need to change strategy to turn their businesses around.

The supermarket giant revealed sales fell 2.9 per cent in the 19 weeks to January 3 but over the six-week Christmas period they were only down 0.3 per cent, which was better than expected.

Marks & Spencer said sales over the festive period were far worse than expected with like-for-like sales in its general merchandise division – which is mainly women’s clothes – down 5.8 per cent in the 13 weeks to December 27.

There is now huge pressure on Chief executive Marc Bolland, who blamed an ‘unsatisfactory performance’ in M&S’s e-commerce distribution centre.

M&S moved to a new online only platform last year and has been struggling with a raft of teething issues.

Trading in October and November was also affected by unseasonal weather conditions which M&S said impacted sales across the clothing sector and resulted in a highly promotional market.

The performance was a fourteenth consecutive quarterly decline in general merchandise sales for the British retailer, far under-performing analyst expectations for a three per cent drop.

A 0.1 per cent rise in food sales – usually M&S’ strongest department – in the same period was also lower than the 0.9 percent the market had expected.

M&S shares opened three per cent lower after the worse-than-expected performance dashed hopes in November of an improved trend in clothing sales.

Neil Saunders, managing director of retail analyst Conlumino, said: ‘We believe that M&S’s strategy of becoming more fashion-focused is generally sound.

‘New collections, including those in place over the Christmas period, had some strong pieces and, generally, looked good – especially in larger stores.

‘However, it is fair to say that the rejuvenation of M&S’s clothing offer is at a relatively early stage and it has not yet completely won back the confidence of consumers. This means that performance can easily be blown off course by negative headwinds, and the gusts certainly blew this Christmas.’

CEO Dave Lewis discusses Tesco’s interim results for 2014-15

A Tesco store in Immingham, North Lincolnshire that will now not open following the company Christmas sales figures

A Tesco store in Immingham, North Lincolnshire that will now not open following the company Christmas sales figures

Figures: Tesco revealed another fall in like-for-like sales but the figures were slightly better than previous quarters

Figures: Tesco revealed another fall in like-for-like sales but the figures were slightly better than previous quarters

Disappointing: The latest drop in sales was a fourteenth consecutive quarterly decline in general merchandise sales for the British retailer

Disappointing: The latest drop in sales was a fourteenth consecutive quarterly decline in general merchandise sales for the British retailer

Tesco used the day it announced its results to set out how they would change the business and win back customers.

New figures: Marks and Spencer's latest results showed how sales in key areas apart from food were all down 

New figures: Marks and Spencer’s latest results showed how sales in key areas apart from food were all down

Dave Lewis said the supermarket was to close its final salary pension scheme and shut its main headquarters in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, in 2016, moving to Welwyn Garden City. A restructuring of central overheads is expected to save £250 million a year.

In addition to the shutting of 43 shops, the group announced a ‘significant revision’ to its building programme by shelving 49 proposed stores.

It is also selling Tesco Broadband and UK download business Blinkbox to TalkTalk and exploring options for the disposal of its dunhumby data business, as well as cancelling a final-year dividend for 2014/15.

The raft of announcements came as the supermarket also fired the latest salvo in a New Year price war, by cutting the cost of some of its best-known products.

Chief executive Dave Lewis said: ‘We have some very difficult changes to make. I am very conscious that the consequences of these changes are significant for all stakeholders in our business but we are facing the reality of the situation.

‘We have some very difficult challenges to make. Our recent performance gives us confidence we can deliver’.

Tesco also cut the cost of some of its best-known products a day after Asda and Sainsbury’s did the same.

The under-pressure grocer said the move meant average savings of 25 per cent on 380 items under brands including Hovis, Coca-Cola, Marmite and Tetley.

The price cuts are the latest in the industry after Asda yesterday cut the prices of 2,500 ‘essentials’ such as fruit and vegetables, cereal, nappies, toilet rolls, milk, meat, eggs and fish. Rival Sainsbury’s also announced further reductions as part of a £150 million price-cutting plan disclosed in November.

Growth: Sales in M&S lucrative food business were up over Christmas but were still worse than expected

Growth: Sales in M&S lucrative food business were up over Christmas but were still worse than expected

New plan: Tesco has announced how it plans to turn round the business by cutting prices and its own costs

New plan: Tesco has announced how it plans to turn round the business by cutting prices and its own costs

Its market share and share price have taken a hammering as sales have fallen and millions of customers have flocked to Aldi and Lidl or high-end rivals Waitrose and Marks & Spencer.

The battle between supermarkets has also sparked price war, saving shoppers £182million in deals in the past three months and at least £450million in deals promised this year.

Tesco’s chief customer officer Jill Easterbrook said the cuts formed part of a strategy to improve the company’s focus on service and availability.

She added: ‘We know that customers want to see changes in the way we serve them. One of the biggest things they’ve been saying is that they want prices which are simple, consistent and low.

‘The changes we’re making today are a first step in that direction – and we’ve focused on many of the favourite brands customers choose every day.’

2014 was the worst year in Tesco’s history with shares now worth up to half what they were 12 months ago.

Tesco is attempting to lead a fightback after a dire 2014 saw it issue a number of profit warnings, culminating in December’s forecast that annual trading profits will slide to £1.4 billion from a predicted £2billion.

All change: Tesco's headquarters in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, pictured, will be closed down as will 43 unprofitable stores

All change: Tesco’s headquarters in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, pictured, will be closed down as will 43 unprofitable stores


  • 43 unprofitable stores to close. Affected staff are to be consulted over coming months with full details to be known by April.
  • 49 stores in the pipeline to be cancelled as investment slashed.
  • Tesco’s main office at Cheshunt to be closed in 2016 after 43 years, and headquarter operations consolidated in Welwyn Garden City, as part of plan to save £250 million a year.
  • Final salary pension scheme to close. Scheme has £3.4 billion deficit, costing group £500 million a year. It has 350,000 members including 200,000 current staff.
  • Tesco to cut prices on 380 branded products by an average of 25 per cent.
  • Halfords chief executive Matt Davies poached to lead Tesco’s UK and Ireland business from June. The turnaround specialist was previously boss of Pets at Home.
  • Tesco broadband and download firm Blinkbox sold to TalkTalk in deal thought to be worth £5million.
  • Final dividend for shareholders for 2014/15 cancelled.

It has put out a unprecedented four profits warnings in a year and is being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office over whether there was a criminal conspiracy to ‘cook the books’.

The Serious Fraud Office continues to investigate whether there was a criminal conspiracy to improve Tesco’s results over several years.

Last month  it was announced that Tesco now faces a wider-reaching probe into its finances amid suspicions a black hole in its accounts is far bigger than originally stated.

The Financial Reporting Council, the professional body for accountants, wants to formally investigate accounts filed in 2012, 2013 and 2014.

The supermarket originally suggested profits were overstated for the first six months of this year by £250million. However, it has now emerged the true figure was a higher £263million and the problems date back to 2012.

Tesco bosses could face prison if the Serious Fraud Office’s criminal inquiry finds any conspired to cook the books and it suspended eight senior executives in connection with the accounting irregularities.

Sales are also falling at their steepest level in four decades and they have issued four profit warnings in the past year.

Dave Lewis was parachuted in from Unilever in September to take over from Philip Clarke, who worked his way up from the shop floor to CEO, but lost his job over plunging sales and profits.

But Mr Lewis is already under pressure because he is yet to reveal a full plan showing how he will turn the supermarket around.

He has though cut costs and ended many perks for executives, getting rid of Tesco’s fleet of private jets and even stopping his own limousine and he now commutes by train.


February 28, 2011: Sir Terry Leahy steps down as chief executive on his 55th birthday after 14 years in charge, overseeing a leap in pre-tax profits from £750 million in 1997 to £3.4 billion in April 2010. He is replaced by Philip Clarke, right.

January 12, 2012: Less than a year into Mr Clarke’s tenure, Tesco shocks the market with its first profit warning in almost 20 years. Shares plunge by as much as 15 per cent, or more than £4 billion. 

April 18, 2012: Tesco unveils a £1billion UK revival plan, which includes upgrading stores, the recruitment of more staff and better prices and value. Initiative follows complaints its 2,800 stores are cold and industrial with bad service.

April 17, 2013: Tesco reports its first fall in annual profits in 19 years, tumbling almost 96 per cent to £120 million from a year earlier. The firm is hit by a £1.2 billion charge as it confirms it will leave the U.S. and also suffers a £804million write-down in the UK on land bought at the height of the property boom.

February 25, 2014: The supermarket promises to spend an additional £200 million on lower prices for basic products, such as carrots, tomatoes, onions, peppers and cucumbers.

April 16, 2014: Mr Clarke brushes off speculation about his future despite little sign that his £1 billion plan to turn around Tesco is bearing fruit. Profits fall 6.9 per cent to £3.05 billion for the year to February 22.

June 3, 2014: Till-roll figures from Kantar Worldpanel show a decline in Tesco’s market share to 29 per cent in the 12 weeks to May 25, compared with 30.5 per cent a year earlier. A day later, the chain reports a 3.7 per cent fall in like-for-like sales for the first quarter of its financial year.

July 21, 2014: Tesco announces that Mr Clarke will step down from the board on October 1 to be replaced by Unilever executive Dave Lewis. Sales and trading profit in the first half of the year are ‘somewhat below’ expectations, the company adds.

August 29, 2014: Tesco issues profit warning to tell the markets that it expects its first-half profits will be £400million less than expected. It slashes dividend payments by 75 per cent and £1billion is wiped off the company’s market value.

September 22, 2014: Company launches an investigation after admitting that its previously warned of fall in takings actually over-estimated profits by as much as £250million. Four executives are suspended and shares dive to their lowest level in 11 years as the revelation triggers its third profits warning in as many months.

September 23, 2014: Firm plunges into further crisis as it emerges the chain’s sales have fallen at their fastest rate in more than 20 years. Figures show total spending by shoppers over the past 12 weeks down 4.5 per cent year on year – the worst trading fall seen by the retailer in more than two decades.

October 1, 2014: Britain’s financial watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority, starts a full investigation into the company in the wake of the accounting scandal

October 2, 2014: Billionaire investor Warren Buffett concedes that his investment in Tesco was a ‘huge mistake’

October 7, 2014: Tesco asks a fifth senior executive, commercial director Kevin Grace, to step aside

October 14, 2014: Firm makes three more suspensions – taking total to eight

October 23, 2014: Supermarket reveals profits scandal is worse than expected – £250million instead of £263milllion – as well as a drastic slump in profits. Chairman Sir Richard Broadbent quits that morning because ‘the issues that have come to light are a matter of profound regret.’

December 9, 2014: Company had £2billion wiped from its market value in minutes today after it announced its annual profits may be £550million lower than expected.

December 17, 2014: Analysts at JP Morgan Cazenove publish research showing what could be a £174million gap in the grocer’s profit, on top of the £263million figure Tesco identified from independent analysis by Deloitte.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2901564/Superstores-crisis-Tesco-shut-43-stores-country-including-head-office-sales-slump-M-S-posts-massive-5-8-slump-sales-disastrous-Christmas.html#ixzz3OK222EfX
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Moartea, mai rapidă decât Legea în Paris. La noi cum o fi?

În timp ce poliţia franceză goneşte după terorişti, serviciile de securitate fac arestare după arestare, radicalii islamişti continuă seria atacurilor brutale. După măcelul de ieri de la redacţia Charlie Hebdo, astăzi teroriştii şi-au îndreptat furia asupra moscheelor din Paris.Totul s- a transformat într- o cursă nebună a morţii unde nimeni nu mai controlează nimic.

În toată nebunia asta, nu poţi să nu te întrebi: pe noi, civilii fără veste antiglonţ, căşti şi arme cine ne protejează? Că pe sărmanii aia de ziarişti seceraţi de AKM- urile celor doi nebuni nu i- a apărat nimeni. Deşi au blurat cât au putut momentul în care unul dintre islamişti îi trage un glonţ în cap din alergare, atenţie! cu o armă de asalt ţinută într- o singură mână, poliţistului rănit în zona inferioară a corpului, chiar în timp ce omul legii cere îndurare, din această scenă a morţii lipseşte ceva: reacţia armată a omului legii împotriva ucigaşilor.

Se şţia că redactia publicaţiei satirice era vizată de islamişti, se ştia că radicalii musulmani vroiau capul directorului. Şi cu toate acestea statul francezi a trimis la faţa locului un echipaj de la poliţia municipală. Adică un fel de gardieni publici, care probabil că nu au tras în viaţa lor cu pistolul decât la antrenament. De aici şi lipsa de reacţie a omului legii, care nu a scos pistolul din toc, chiar şi rănit fiind.

Şi mă mai intreb dacă statul francez, puternic militar, puternic şi în serviciile secrete, puternic şi în forţe de elită (probabil toţi au auzit de  Légion étrangère- Legiunea Stăină şi zecile de poveşti despre pregătirea dură), dacă Doamne Fereşte, se îmtâmplă ceva şi la noi, în România, cine îi va opri pe terorişti? SRI- ul ne arată culoarea albastră- nivel precaut de alarmă teroristă, semn că nu avem probleme. Pe lângă asta mă mai linişteşte şi faptul că noi, românii, avem printre cele mai multe structuri armate speciale din lume- vreo 11 sau 12 (Brigada Antiteroristă, structurile speciale ale poliţiei, jandarmeriei, batalioane SOF ale armatei, grupul GNFOS al marinei militare, DIAS, SIAS, etc).

Dar tot nu poţi să nu te întrebi dacă se apucă vreun descreierat să tragă cu arma în locurile publice pe noi, românii de rând, cine ne salvează?

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