Tag Archives: tudor vornicu

TVR a luat o teapa de 4,5 milioane euro de la Splendid Media si acum vrea si mai multi bani

Sursa: Paginademedia.ro

Citeste si – Firme de apartament care fura cat o multinationala din cauza TVR

TVR și postul public de radio cer mai puțini bani de la bugetul de stat pentru a-și desfășura activitatea în 2015. Televiziunea Română solicită o sumă de peste 41 de milioane de euro (180.835.000 de lei) de la bugetul de stat pentru a-şi desfăşura activitatea în 2015, în timp ce Radioul Public cere de la bugetul de stat aproape 44 de milioane de euro (192.948.000 de lei), ambele sume fiind mai mici decât cele primite de cele două societăţi anul acesta, scrie Mediafax.

Televiziunea Română vrea în 2015 mai puțini bani de la bugetul de stat

Potrivit proiectului de buget al Societăţii Române de Televiziune (SRTv) pe 2015, SRTv solicită de la bugetul de stat o sumă  cu 5,49% mai mică faţă de anul acesta, când instituţia a beneficiat de la bugetul de stat de o sumă de circa 43 de milioane de euro (191.349.000 de lei).

Suma solicitată de SRTv de la buget de stat reprezintă 34,30% din totalul finanţării TVR, restul de 65,70% provenind din venituri proprii.

În general, banii primiţi de Televiziunea Română de la bugetul de stat sunt pentru funcţionarea TVRi (217.000 de euro, adică 957.000 de lei) şi pentru Societatea Naţională de Radiocomunicaţii, care asigură emisia canalelelor TVR (37 de milioane de euro, adică 163.200.000 de lei). De asemenea, TVR trebuie să plătească o sumă de peste trei milioane de euro (14.050.000 de lei) pentru închirierea satelitului pe care sunt emise televiziunile din portofoliul SRTv şi circa 83 de mii de euro (364.000 de lei) pentru închirierea transmisiei Video Over IP.

Totodată, la capitolul “Maşini, echipamente şi mijloace de transport”, TVR solicită o sumă de 2.264.000 de lei.

SRTv cuprinde în prezent televiziunile TVR 1,TVR 2,TVR 3, TVR Internaţional, TVR News şi TVR HD, dar şi cinci studiouri teritoriale: TVR Cluj, TVR Iaşi, TVR Timişoara, TVR Craiova, TVR Târgu-Mureş, portalul www.tvr.ro şi platforma www.tvrplus.ro.

PRIORITĂȚI. În 2015, între priorităţile TVR, se numără dezvoltarea şi consolidarea pe orizontală. De asemenea, TVR 1, TVR 2 şi TVR International au ca obiective prioritare îmbunătăţirea programelor şi creşterea audienţei, inclusiv prin atragerea de noi segmente de public, concomitent cu îndeplinirea misiunii lor publice.

De asemenea, proiectul face referire la faptul că TVR şi Societatea Naţională de Radiocomunicaţii derulează un program pilot pentru trecerea, până în iunie 2015, de la emisia terestră analogică la emisia terestră digitală.

Radioul public a solicitat mai puțini bani de la bugetul de stat

RADIOUL PUBLIC. Pe de altă parte, Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune (SRR) a solicitat de la bugetul de stat, pentru a-şi desfăşura activitatea în 2015, o sumă în scădere cu 7,07% faţă de 2014, când Radioul Public a beneficiat de o sumă de peste 47 milioane de euro (207.633.000 de lei) de la bugetul de stat.

Din suma totală, 38.000 de euro (167.500.000 de lei) reprezintă plata către Societatea Naţională de Radiocomunicaţii, care asigură emisia canalelelor Radioului Public, 1,9 milioane de euro (8.248.000 de lei) este suma necesară pentru funcţionarea Direcţiei Radio România Internaţional, 3,6 milioane de euro (16.000.000 de lei) – pentru funcţionarea Direcţiei Formaţii Muzicale, iar 1.200.000 de lei – pentru funcţionarea Radio Chişinău.

Suma solicitată de Radioul Public de la buget de stat reprezintă 47,24% din totalul finanţării TVR, restul de 52,76% provenind din venituri proprii.

POSTURI DE RADIO. Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune deţine în prezent posturile Radio România Actualităţi, Radio România Internaţional, Radio România Cultural, Radio România Muzical, Antena Satelor, Radio3Net, Radio Bucureşti, peste 10 staţii regionale şi locale şi Radio Chişinău. Acestora li se adaugă postul online pentru copii Radio Junior şi agenţia de presă Rador.

Veniturile proprii ale Societăţii Române de Radiodifuziune şi Societăţii Române de Televiziune provin, după caz, din: sume încasate din realizarea obiectului de activitate; taxe pentru serviciul public de radiodifuziune, respectiv pentru serviciul public de televiziune; penalităţi de întârziere pentru neachitarea la termen a taxelor datorate; sume încasate din publicitate; sume încasate din amenzi şi despăgubiri civile; donaţii şi sponsorizări etc.

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Profilul economic al zilei

Sursa: BCR

§  Leul a pierdut ceva teren ieri, cursul oficial transmis de banca centrală fiind de 4,4415 față de moneda unică europeană. Volumele tranzacționate pe piața interbancară au rămas în continuare modeste, iar leul s-a aflat sub semnul unei tendințe regionale de depreciere cotând la închidere în ușoară scădere față de deschidere (-0,1%). Investitorii de pe piața londoneză au fost ieri mai activi.   

§  Curba randamentelor titlurilor de stat a continuat să coboare ieri, investitorii rămânând în continuare mai activi la nivelul maturităților lungi. Aproape toate titlurile cu scadența mai mare de 2019 au fost tranzacționate randamentele reducându-se cu circa 3-4 puncte de bază față de închiderea sesiunii anterioare. Astăzi, Ministerul Finanțelor redeschide o emisiune de obligațiuni cu scadența ianuarie 2018 în valoare de 500 milioane lei care are un cupon anual de 3,25%.  

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REVEALED: Navy Seals hiked six miles and got within 100 yards of Yemen compound where executed US hostage was being held – before a dog bark alerted al-Qaeda captors

Sursa: Dailymail.co.uk


  • Luke Somers, 33, was being held hostage by al-Qaeda militants in Yemen
  • Reportedly shot by captors as U.S. commandos launched the operation
  • Navy SEAL Team Six hiked six miles to the village where he was held
  • They were only 100 yards away when they were detected by militants 
  • Reports suggest a dog bark alerted the terrorists to their presence  
  • He was flown to a U.S. naval ship but died from injuries before his arrival  
  • Comes days after militants threatened to kill him on a video posted online 
  • His family had earlier pleaded with the militants to ‘please, show mercy’
  • Mr Somers was kidnapped in September 2013 in Yemen’s capital Sana’a 
  • South African  Pierre Korkie also killed during mission in Shabwa province 
  • The aid worker was reportedly due to be released by militants tomorrow

A British-born U.S. photojournalist and a South African aid worker held hostage in Yemen by al Qaeda militants have been ‘murdered’ in a failed rescue attempt.

American citizen Luke Somers had been held hostage since September 2013 in Yemen’s capital Sana’a having moved to the country two years earlier.

The 33-year-old was reportedly shot by his captors as Navy SEAL Team six, made up of around 40 men, carried out a dramatic rescue bid in the Wadi Abdan region of the southern Shabwa province late on Friday night.

It is the second attempted extraction by special forces in as many months.

Another hostage, South African aid worker Pierre Korkie, was also killed during the operation – a day before he was due to be released.

According to the Wall Street Journal the commandos hiked for six miles through a mountain range to reach the village where he was being held.

Scroll down for video 

Lucy Somers said she learned of her 33-year-old brother Luke Somers’ death from FBI agents


In April 2013 he took photos of a protest by Yemenis, demanding the release of Guantanamo Bay trainees

They were only 100 yards away from the compound when the terrorists reportedly heard a dog bark – prompting the militants to shoot the pair dead.

Two medics involved in the operation tried to revive both of the hostages, but one died at the scene while the other succumbed to his injuries on the operating table inside the USS Makin Island.

Outgoing U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel confirmed Mr Somers death this morning as he landed in Afghanistan.

During a press conference he announced that 1,000 more US troops than expected will be stationed in the country next year following a spike in Taliban attacks.

Mr Somers was badly wounded when commandos found him and he died from his injuries by the time he had been flown to a naval ship.

Mr Somers’ sister Lucy Somers told Associated Press that she learned of her brother’s death from FBI agents at 5am this morning. ‘We ask that all of Luke’s family members be allowed to mourn in peace,’ she said from London.

An Osprey aircraft took a team of U.S. Navy SEALS to the location, which was close to the site where a previous rescue mission had taken place, officials told CNN.

A gun fight  is understood to have unfolded before the badly injured hostages were taken away on the aircraft, the report says.

Four Yemeni and CTU agents were wounded during the operation.

According to the New York Times the forces raided four houses in the village where the attack took place, killed six militants but also gunned down eight civilians.

Mr Somers was kidnapped in September 2013 as he left a supermarket in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, said Fakhri al-Arashi, chief editor of the National Yemen.

He had moved to the country in 2010 to teach English as the Arab Spring started to develop but soon became one of the country’s only foreign photographers.

The hostage worked at the paper as a copy editor and a freelance photographer during the 2011 uprising in Yemen.

There are reports Mr Somers was sold to al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) – one of the most dangerous regional arms of the terrorist group.

The organisation make millions ransoming hostages – but British and American governments refuse to pay.

On November 25, U.S Special Forces sent a unit to a cave near the Yemen border with Saudi Arabia in a hope of retrieving Mr Somers. Seven hostages were saved and eight militants were killed but the journalist was not inside.

The U.S. considers Yemen’s al-Qaeda branch to be the world’s most dangerous arm of the group as it has been linked to several failed attacks on the U.S. homeland.

Barack Obama described Mr Somers’ murder as ‘barbaric’ in a statement this morning.

‘On behalf of the American people, I offer my deepest condolences to Luke’s family and to his loved ones,’ he said in a statement.

The Defense Department said the rise in violence did not prompt the decision to keep troops in the country.

An official statement said it was due to the late signing of the Bilateral Security Agreement, which allows a specified amount of U.S. troops to remain after the combat mission ends this year.

Hamid Karzai, Ghani’s predecessor, refused to sign the deal.

According to The Pentagon, 99 per cent of Afghan forces are now taking the lead in missions and are performing ‘well’.

By 2016 the number of troops will have decreased to 5,500 before a further transition to power in Kabul by 2017.

Secretary of State John Kerry issued a statement today saying Somers’ murder ‘is a reminder of the brutality of the terrorists of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. They have again demonstrated their cruelty and their disdain for human life, freedom, and the Yemeni people whom they terrorize daily.’

Kerry said he’s ‘proud of the brave men and women of the U.S. military who twice risked their lives in operations to try and bring Luke home safely.

‘We also appreciate the efforts of the dedicated intelligence, law enforcement, and diplomatic professionals who supported these operations, and we are particularly grateful to the Yemeni government, under the leadership of President Hadi, for their critical and supportive role in trying to liberate this young American from unfathomable captivity, and for their enduring partnership in combating the scourge of AQAP.’

The AWAP terrorists know ‘how to hate, they know how to murder, and now they have robbed a family of an idealistic young photojournalist who went to Yemen to practice his calling and document the lives of ordinary Yemenis,’ Kerry said.

Vice President Joe Biden said the U.S. would be relentless in its efforts to bring the killers of an American photojournalist to justice.

Echoing the words of the President he called the killing of Mr Somers a ‘despicable crime’.

He says U.S. special forces soldiers ‘inflicted serious damage’ on Somers captors.

Biden commented Saturday during a previously scheduled address to a Washington conference on U.S.-Israeli relations.


South African Pierre Korkie was killed in the attempted rescue mission by the United States – just a day before he was due to be released, an aid group says.

Mr Korkie was killed in the failed effort to release hostages, Imtiaz Sooliman, founder of the Gift of the Givers group told the South African Press Agency.

Korkie was to be freed by al-Qaeda on Sunday, Gift of the Givers said on Twitter.

South African Pierre Korkie was killed in the attempted rescue mission by the United States - just a day before he was due to be released
Mr Korkie and his wife Yolande (pictured) were taken hostage in Taiz, Yemen, in May 2013, but she was later released

South African Pierre Korkie was killed in the attempted rescue mission by the United States – just a day before he was due to be released. His wife Yolande is pictured right

‘Leaders met in Aden this morning, preparing final security and logistical arrangements 2 bring Pierre 2 safety & freedom,’ said tweeted the aid group.

Mr Korkie and his wife Yolande were taken hostage in Taiz, Yemen, in May 2013, the charity said.

A team had met in Aden this morning, preparing final security and logistical arrangements 2 bring the hostage to freedom, it claimed.

‘It is even more tragic that the words we used in a conversation with Yolande at 5.59 this morning was ‘the wait is almost over’,’ the charity tweeted to its 7,500 followers.

It added:’Three days ago we told her ‘Pierre will be home for Christmas’.

‘We certainly did not mean it in the manner it has unfolded.

‘All logistical arrangements were in place 2 safely fly Pierre out of Yemen under diplomatic cover.’

At the time of the kidnapping, Mr Korkie was a teacher in Yemen, while his wife was working in hospitals, News24 reports.

Those close to Mr Korkie said al-Qaeda militants had demanded a $3million ransom for his release.

British Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond said: ‘My deepest condolences are with the families of both hostages at this time. We utterly condemn AQAP for the brutal murder of these two men.

‘Luke had close links with the UK and his family have spoken about Luke’s life and his work, and that is how he should be remembered.

‘I salute the forces involved, who showed great courage in carrying out this mission. We continue to work with our international and Yemeni partners to counter the threat from Al Qaida and other terrorist groups.’

The humanitarian group Gift of Givers said today that teacher Pierre Korkie was shot dead during the bid to rescue Mr Somers – just a day before he was set to be freed.

Mr Korkie and his wife Yolande were reportedly captured by militants in May 2013 in Ta’iz, Yemen. But his wife was released after Gift of the Givers helped negotiate her freedom.

On Friday, a team of local leaders was finalizing arrangements to reunite Pierre Korkie to his wife and children, the statement reads.

The charity recently told his wife that ‘the wait is almost over.’

Militants released a video on Thursday that showed Mr Somers, threatening to kill him in three days if the United States did not meet the group's demands

Militants released a video on Thursday that showed Mr Somers, threatening to kill him in three days if the United States did not meet the group’s demands

‘Three days ago we told her ‘Pierre will be home for Christmas,” the group said. ‘We certainly did not mean it in the manner it has unfolded.’

Yemen’s national security chief, Major General Ali al-Ahmadi, said the militants planned to kill Luke Somers on Saturday, meaning the American and Yemeni forces faced a race against time.

‘Al-Qaeda promised to conduct the execution (of Somers) today so there was an attempt to save them but unfortunately they shot the hostage before or during the attack, al-Ahmadi said at a conference in Manama, Bahrain.

Earlier this week al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) issued a video with a message aimed at the US government threatening to kill Mr Somers  if its demands were not met.

Last week the U.S. said it had attempted a rescue operation to free a number of hostages, including Mr Somers, but that he had not been at the site of the raid.

The family of Mr Somers had earlier pleaded for him to be released.

In an online video Miss Somers described her older brother as a romantic who ‘always believes the best in people.’ She added: ‘Please let him live.’

His father Michael said Mr Somers was ‘a good friend of Yemen and the Yemeni people’.

It came after the release of the AQAP video which begins with a reading in Arabic from Nasser bin Ali al Ansi, an AQAP official, before Mr Somers appears and gives a statement in English.

He said: ‘My name is Luke Somers. I’m 33 years old. I was born in England, but I carry American citizenship and have lived in America for most of my life.

‘It’s now been well over a year since I’ve been kidnapped in Sana’a. Basically, I’m looking for any help that can get me out of this situation. I’m certain that my life is in danger.

‘So as I sit here now, I ask if anything can be done, please let it be done. Thank you very much.’

Al Ansi gave the US government three days to meet the demands or ‘otherwise, the American hostage held by us will meet his inevitable fate’.

The three-minute video also features Ansi speaking about American activity in Afghanistan, Somalia and Iraq as well as recent air strikes in Syria.

It follows similar videos by another extremist militant group, Islamic State (IS), which has already killed two British hostages and three American hostages in videos released on social media.


Luke Somers had been working as a freelance photographer when he was captured, and those who knew him say he had ‘wanderlust’ and was drawn to new experiences.

Mr Somers, who was born in Britain, earned a bachelor’s degree in creative writing while attending Beloit College in Wisconsin from 2004 through 2007.

‘He really wanted to understand the world,’ said Shawn Gillen, an English professor and chairman of Beloit College’s journalism program.

Fuad Al Kadas, who said Somers is one of his best friends, said Somers spent time in Egypt before finding work in Yemen. Somers started teaching English at a Yemen school but quickly established himself as a one of the few foreign photographers in the country, he said.

‘He is a great man with a kind heart who really loves the Yemeni people and the country,’ Al Kadas wrote in an email from Yemen. He said he last saw Somers the day before he was kidnapped.

‘He was so dedicated in trying to help change Yemen’s future, to do good things for the people that he didn’t leave the country his entire time here,’ Al Kadas wrote.

Al Kadas said in Yemen, Somers enjoyed making friends with neighbors, youth activists and ordinary people.

American commandos tried to rescue Mr Somers in a raid on an AQAP camp late last month, but he had been moved by the time they arrived

American commandos tried to rescue Mr Somers in a raid on an AQAP camp late last month, but he had been moved by the time they arrived

American commandos tried to rescue Mr Somers (pcitred) in a raid on an AQAP camp late last month, but he had been moved by the time they arrived

Gillen said Somers wanted to seek out experiences that would matter to him, noting he traveled to Egypt as part of the school’s study abroad program. The professor said he wasn’t surprised when he heard Somers had moved to Yemen.

‘He’d want to be in places where world events were happening,’ the professor said, adding that liberal arts instructors want their students ‘to go on and lead meaningful, purposeful lives. Luke was trying to do that. That makes (his capture) all the more horrible for us to ponder.’

Gillen said Somers was in his advanced non-fiction writing course and a small-group seminar that focused on William Butler Yeats and James Joyce. He said Somers would often stop by his office just to chat.

‘He would come by and say, ‘I was walking across campus and I was thinking about something Joyce wrote,’ and he’d want to talk about it. In many ways that’s a professor’s dream come true,’ Gillen said.

Friends of Mr Somers (pictured) said he had 'wanderlust' and was drawn to new experiences

Friends of Mr Somers (pictured) said he had ‘wanderlust’ and was drawn to new experiences

In 2007, Somers worked as an editor at The Teaching Drum Outdoors School in Three Lakes, Wisconsin.

Tamarack Song, the school’s director, said Somers was hired to edit a book for the school. He came to the school with his girlfriend who also was an editor.

‘He was born in England, raised in America. He had wanderlust,’ Song said. ‘He wanted to know what made people tick. He has an undying curiosity for human dynamics and for the way people worked. He was constantly doing research.’

 I think Luke would have wanted issues of extremism and terrorism to be addressed by stepping up the dialogue instead of resorting to conflict between nations
Penny Bearman, Mr Somers’ stepmother

Song said he thought Yemen and the Middle East was a symbol for Somers, and that Somers wanted to be at the epicenter of culture and ideology.

Song said he speculates that Somers went ‘to be where the action was, to get a feel for the pulse of contemporary conflict.’

‘He wanted to be in the center of things, and to get a feel for it. To get closer and closer, to interview people, to research, to write, to get right there,’ Song said.

Penny Bearman, the step-mother of the hostage, paid tribute to her husband’s son following his death.

She told ITV News: ‘Luke’s taste for travel grew early on in life. He was born in London to an American Mother who returned to the States with him when he was 7 years old, visiting his father each year in Deal, Kent.

‘As a young man he worked Salmon Fishing in the Arctic, lived for a time in Jamaica, witnessed riots in Cairo and moved to Yemen in 2011.

‘He was a talented photographer with a sensitivity for people and people’s lives and made a considerable contribution as a photo journalist in telling the stories of communities in war-torn areas.

‘Recently he lived in Sana’a the capital city of Yemen, living as a well-loved and respected member of the community there. He has extensive coverage of the area online, illustrating and expressing the struggles of the Yemen people.

‘I think Luke would have wanted issues of extremism and terrorism to be addressed by stepping up the dialogue instead of resorting to conflict between nations.’

During his time in Trenchtown, a municipality in Jamaica, he was involved in a number of projects where he captured photos of citizens around the town.

IS has posted a series of videos online showing the separate murders of US journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, US aid worker Peter Kassig and two British aid workers, David Haines and Alan Henning.

Foley, who was beheaded in by the terrorists in August, was reportedly the subject of another failed rescue mission in July.

Following his death, White House counterterrorism adviser told the press: ‘The U.S. government had what we believed was sufficient intelligence, and when the opportunity presented itself, the president authorized the Department of Defense to move aggressively to recover our citizens.

‘Unfortunately, that mission was ultimately not successful because the hostages were not present.’

The Obama administration was accused of knowing where Foley was five weeks before the extraction attempt in July and questions have been raised as to why they hesitated.

Luke Somers’ sister Lucy appeals to captors for his release

A former military official told Fox that when the team ‘finally did go’ into Syria to try and save Foley and a number of other hostages they felt the intelligence was ‘drying up’.

Footage claiming to show Mr Henning’s murder appeared on the internet just days after the UK joined US-led air strikes against the terrorists in Iraq.

The news of the failed rescue comes after a suspected U.S. drone strike in Yemen killed nine alleged al-Qaeda militants early Saturday, a security official said.

The drone struck at dawn in Yemen’s southern Shabwa province, hitting a suspected militant hideout, the official said.

The official did not elaborate and spoke on condition of anonymity as he wasn’t authorised to brief journalists.

At least six suspected militants were killed in an airstrike in the same province last month.

Later Saturday, tribal leaders said they saw helicopters flying over an area called Wadi Abdan in Shabwa province.

Family of Luke Somers begs for mercy

Begging for mercy: Luke's brother, Jordan (left), and his mother, Paula Somers (right), released a video on Thursday asking his al-Qaeda captors to release him 

Begging for mercy: Luke’s brother, Jordan (left), and his mother, Paula Somers (right), released a video on Thursday asking his al-Qaeda captors to release him

American authorities rarely discuss their drone strike campaign in Yemen.

The strikes are incredibly unpopular in Yemen due to civilian casualties, legitimising for many the attacks on American interests.

In a statement on Thursday, Pentagon press secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby acknowledged for the first time that a mysterious U.S. raid last month had sought to rescue Mr Somers but that he turned out not to be at the site.

Kirby did not elaborate on the joint U.S-Yemeni operation to free Mr Somers, saying details remained classified.

However, officials have said the raid targeted a remote al-Qaeda safe haven in a desert region near the Saudi border. Eight captives – including Yemenis, a Saudi and an Ethiopian – were freed.

Mr Somers, and five others had been moved days earlier

US discloses failed attempt to rescue American in Yemen


After hearing of Luke Somers’ death, friend and colleague Tik Root paid tribute to the photojournalist on PBS.

He said: ‘Luke never wavered from the front lines. He spent countless hours documenting revolutionaries in Sanaa’s Change Square and snapped photos ranging from Yemen’s former president to children afflicted with malnutrition.

‘His work provides a gripping window into a country rarely on the world’s radar. It also reveals his deep and persistent love for the country.

‘I knew Luke. Not particularly well. But during my 15 months as a fellow freelancer in Yemen, we crossed paths on perhaps a dozen or so occasions — both social and professional. Quirky, passionate and thoughtful, he also struck me as a fairly private guy.’

He also revealed some of the pictures he liked while Mr Somers worked with Demotix.

Here is a collection of his work while in the Middle East – including striking photos of children, protesters and politicians.

A young boy from the Home Care Orphanage in Sana'a, Yemen, participates in a drawing competition in July 2012 

A young boy from the Home Care Orphanage in Sana’a, Yemen, participates in a drawing competition in July 2012

Houthi followers reach the conclusion of a march in Sana’a, with eleven days to go before they celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed in January 2013

Shi'ite Houthis marched in Sana'a in anticipation of the Prophet Mohammed's birthday, 'Mawlid An-Nabi' in Arabic, which in 2013 fell on January 29

Shi’ite Houthis marched in Sana’a in anticipation of the Prophet Mohammed’s birthday, ‘Mawlid An-Nabi’ in Arabic, which in 2013 fell on January 29

Women are controlled by security in August 2012 as they enter the residence of a family which, every year during Ramadan, distributes charity in the form of cash to Sana'a's poor and needy

Women are controlled by security in August 2012 as they enter the residence of a family which, every year during Ramadan, distributes charity in the form of cash to Sana’a’s poor and needy

 During a demonstration near Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi's Sana'a residence in December 2012,  a female protester holds up a picture of former president Ibrahim al-Hamdi, a beloved figure for many Yemeni citizens

 During a demonstration near Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s Sana’a residence in December 2012,  a female protester holds up a picture of former president Ibrahim al-Hamdi, a beloved figure for many Yemeni citizens

Gulf Cooperation Council Secretary General Abdul-Latif Al-Zayani speaks with United States Ambassador to Yemen Gerald Feierstein about Yemen's upcoming National Dialogue in January 2013 

Gulf Cooperation Council Secretary General Abdul-Latif Al-Zayani speaks with United States Ambassador to Yemen Gerald Feierstein about Yemen’s upcoming National Dialogue in January 2013

Tribesmen loyal to the powerful al-Ahmar family stand outside the family compound in Sana'a, Yemen in December 2012

Tribesmen loyal to the powerful al-Ahmar family stand outside the family compound in Sana’a, Yemen in December 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2863215/British-born-U-S-photojournalist-held-hostage-al-Qaeda-killed-failed-rescue-attempt-Yemen.html#ixzz3LKKO7WHy
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China arrests ex-security chief Zhou Yongkang

Mr Zhou was head of China’s vast internal security apparatus until 2012

Ex-security chief Zhou Yongkang, the most senior Chinese official to be investigated for corruption, has been arrested and expelled from the Communist Party, state media report.

The Supreme People’s Procuratorate, China’s top prosecuting body, said it had opened a formal probe against him.

Before he retired two years ago, Mr Zhou was the head of China’s vast internal security apparatus.

Many of his former associates and relatives also face corruption probes.

Since coming to power, Chinese President Xi Jinping has launched a high-profile campaign to weed out corruption among party and government officials.

Mr Zhou was accused of several crimes, including “serious violations of party discipline”, “accepting large sums of bribes”, “disclosing party and state secrets” and “committing adultery with several women” as part of corrupt transactions, Xinhua news agency reported (in Chinese).

Mr Zhou’s arrest was announced in a statement by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, released late on Friday night.

‘Most feared’

Mr Zhou, who is in his 70s, has not been seen in public for more than a year.

Analysts say the investigation against Mr Zhou allows Xi Jinping to consolidate his power base, remove people opposed to his reforms, and improve the image of the Communist Party.

Mr Zhou was previously also a member of China’s top decision-making body, the Politburo Standing Committee.

line break

Analysis: Zhuang Chen, BBC Chinese

Zhou Yongkang was allegedly the most feared and powerful senior official before he retired two years ago from the pinnacle of China’s decision-making body. He is also the biggest “tiger” – the highest ranking official – caged by Xi Jinping in his anti-corruption drive.

Dubbed “Master Kang”, Mr Zhou put many of his followers in powerful positions in the oil and security sectors during his heyday in office. Many of his loyalists have since been either sentenced or indicted on corruption charges.

It has taken over a year to investigate his case, which suggests the authorities are mindful of its sensitivity. Some suspect the party would rather deal with his case in secrecy, given how much Mr Zhou knows.

The fact that he is to be investigated by state prosecutors means the authorities have gathered sufficient evidence.

It also shows an ever-more confident Xi Jinping making Mr Zhou a case in point to further consolidate his power.

The suspense now is over whether Mr Zhou will be charged and tried in public, in the fashion of his disgraced former ally Bo Xilai.

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A Chinese minister has previously said that the investigation against Mr Zhou would take a long time to complete.

Mr Zhou had enjoyed a close working relationship with former Chongqing party chief Bo Xilai, who was sentenced to life imprisonment last year on bribery charges.

Bo’s wife Gu Kailai was given a suspended death sentence in 2012 for the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood.

Bo’s downfall was seen as the biggest political shake-up to hit China’s ruling elite in decades, and revealed divisions at the top of the party over how the scandal should be handled.


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Mihai Craiu – Strada BT „made by” MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL: arta şi dansul, la plimbare în centrul vechi al Bucureştilor

Sursa: Dobrogea TV

MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL continuă seria proiectelor “altfel”: în perioada 30 august – 12 octombrie 2014, agenția s-a implicat în organizarea evenimentelor culturale și recreative “Vacanța continuă pe Strada BT”, desfășurate la kilometrul zero al distracției din București.

In Centrul Vechi al capitalei, timp de șase weekenduri, o porțiune a străzii Lipscani  s-a transformat în Strada BT. Bucureștenii mici și mari au participat la o serie de evenimente inedite.Spectacole de dans, mimă și pantomimă, improvizație cu trupa Obligo, concerte susținute de trupele Tivodar, We Singing Colors sau cvartetul Chromatic, piese de teatru, expoziții de pictură sau întâlniri ale celor mici cu personaje de poveste precum Mickey, Minnie sau Donald, Anna și Elsa din Regatul de Gheață sunt doar o parte dintre surprizele pregătite de către organizatori. Federația Română de Scrimă a fost prezentş cu sportivii de la cluburile bucureștene, pentru a dezvălui câteva dintre secretele sportului nobil.

O componentă importantă a proiectului Strada BT a reprezentat-o campania umanitară de colectare a jucăriilor pentru copiii defavorizați “Toți copiii au dreptul la joacă. Donează o jucărie pentru o cauză nobilă .” Organizatorii au invitat bucureștenii să doneze jucării pentru o cauză nobilă. Toate jucaăriile colectate au fost donate cu ajutorul Fundației Romanian Angel Appeal și al Fundației Dăruiește Viață. Jucăriile au ajuns la copiii internați în secția de Pediatrie a Institutului Clinic Fundeni, la persoanele afectate de sindromul Down care se află în îngrijirea Asociației Down Plus și la centrul de zi pentru copii – Fundația Viitor pentru România.

Campania de siguranță rutieră, cu implicarea Napoca Rally Academy,  a continuat în cadrul proiectului “Vacanța continuă pe Strada BT”. Membrii echipei Napoca Rally Academy au fost prezenți pe Strada BT pentru a  atrage atenția asupra pericolelor la care se expun participanții la traficul rutier, în urma consumului de alcool.

Strada BT a fost susținută de către Banca Transilvania, în parteneriat cu Primăria Municipiului București și organizată de Fundația Școala de Televiziune Tudor Vornicu. Un proiect Media Consulta International.

MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL este o agenție de publicitate full service ce propune clienților soluții integrate de business consultancy: start-up, consultanţă juridică, fiscală, de marketing şi vânzări, advertising, research, evenimente speciale si PR.  MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL activează de zece ani pe piaţa din România pentru clienţi locali şi internaţionali, sub coordonarea acţionarului majoritar, Mihai Craiu.

Printre proiectele MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL se numără: Centura de Aur – turneu internaţional de box (2013), meciul amical FC Barcelona – FC Dinamo Bucureşti (2012), evenimentele organizate sub patronajul BNR – ”The European Union after The Sovereign Debt Crisis” (2011) și ”Clubul de la Roma – 20 de ani in Romania” (2013) – invitat special: Vicontele Etienne Davignon, Președintele Clubului Bilderberg, lansarea cotidianului ”Puterea” (2010) în prezența lui Mihail Gorbaciov – fostul Președinte al Uniunii Sovietice, ș.a.

Grupul de companii MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL deţine următoarele branduri: myFragrance.ro – boutique premium ce introduce în exclusivitate în piața de parfumuri şi cosmetice din România branduri de nişă cu renume mondial. Dobrogea TV – singurul post regional de știri special creat pentru zonele Constanța și Tulcea. Școala de Televiziune Tudor Vornicu – proiect unic în Europa care își propune să pregătească profesioniști în televiziune.

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Campaniile Media Consulta au rezultate remarcabile pentru Magnerot

Agenţia MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL reprezintă, în exclusivitate pe piata media, de circa 3 ani, brandul Magnerot, care apartine companiei farmaceutice germane WÖRWAG Pharma.

Agenția MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL a dezvoltat,pentru Magnerot, servicii de consultant, research,strategie si planificare media, administrarea contului de publicitate, scheduling, ordering, monitoring, reporting etc.

Ca urmare a strategiilor de campanie ale Media Consulta, brandul Magnerot a crescut an de an, ajungand numarul 2 ca market share in piata produselor cu magneziu.

De asemenea, campaniile media concepute si implementate de Media Consulta au adus Magnerot cresteri anuale remarcabile si ca cifre de vanzari.

De peste 35 de ani Wörwag Pharma GmbH & Co.KG este recunoscuta la nivel international pentru competenta si know-how in domeniul biofactorilor (vitamine si minerale) si a medicamentelor generice.

In anul 1998, Wörwag Pharma a infiintat Reprezentanta din Romania  care are rolul de a desfasura activitati de cercetare, de promovare si de coordonare a contractelor de import si de export incheiate cu distribuitorii din Romania in ceea ce priveste produsele farmaceutice inregistrate in Romania.

MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL este agenție de publicitate full service ce propune clienților soluții integrate de business consultancy: start-up, consultanţă juridică, fiscală, de marketing şi vânzări, advertising, research, evenimente speciale şi PR.  MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL activează de zece ani pe piaţa din România pentru clienţi locali şi internaţionali, sub coordonarea acţionarului majoritar, Mihai Craiu.

Printre proiectele MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL se numără: Centura de Aur – turneu internaţional de box (2013), meciul amical FC Barcelona – FC Dinamo Bucureşti (2012), evenimentele organizate sub patronajul BNR – ”The European Union after The Sovereign Debt Crisis” (2011) și ”Clubul de la Roma – 20 de ani in Romania” (2013) – Invitat special: Vicontele Étienne Davignon, Preşedintele Clubului Bilderberg, lansarea cotidianului ”Puterea” (2010) în prezența lui Mihail Gorbaciov – fostul Președinte al Uniunii Sovietice, ș.a.

Grupul de companii MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL mai deţine următoarele branduri: myFragrance.ro – boutique premium ce introduce în exclusivitate în piața de parfumuri şi cosmetice din România branduri de nişă cu renume mondial ; Dobrogea TV – singurul post regional de știri special creat pentru zonele Constanța și Tulcea ; Scoala de Televiziune Tudor Vornicu.

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Mihai Craiu la deschiderea anului scolar 2011-2012 al Scolii de Televiziune “Tudor Vornicu”

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtb-YlsGQ9g]

Discurs tinut de Mihai Craiu – CEO Corporaţia de Televiziune şi Film, la Festivitatea de deschidere a anului scolar 2011 – 2012 care a avut loc pe 28 octombrie, in Sala de Conferinte “Nicolae Titulescu” din cadrul ROMEXPO CONFERENCE CENTRE si la care au participat toti cursantii scolii inscrisi in anul respectiv de studiu ai Scolii de Televiziune “Tudor Vornicu”.

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The Social TV School: Scoala de Televiziune Tudor Vornicu (TvF)

“It’s TV Jim, but not as we know it”

Forming the first generations of TV professionals for the media products he is heading is Mihai Craiu’s main aim for TvF. The school is preparing blended media specialists: digitally natives with strong traditional media background.

“The web is getting physical and impacting our most personal daily activities. Media consumption and particularly TV has been completely redefined and fostered by the technological fast peace innovations. As an active player on the Romanian TV market, I believes in a new TV business model: The Digitally Empowered Social TV” (Mihai Craiu).

Being at the forefront of media transformation and new media business model, the need for media professionals for the post digital world is higher and higher. Thus TvF estimates a market need for around around 600 – 900 students per year.

Mihai Craiu owns 75% of TvF with an initial investment of 500 000 EUR, out of which 220 000 equipping the school with the newest technology and the rest invested in Marketing services.

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