Monthly Archives: January 2015

…Si cu banii luati

Sursa: Curentul

Proiectul portalului  e-România a fost conceput în iunie 2009, având trei direcții:

Informare: informaţiile vor fi disponibile online cum ar fi de exemplu publicarea lor pe site-ul Web al unei autorităţi publice.

Comunicare: Capacitatea de a avea acces interactiv şi de a face schimb de informaţii.

Tranzacţie: realizarea efectivă de servicii, inclusiv semnarea de formulare de cerere şi livrări electronice ale documentelor oficiale şi a notificărilor.”

S-a trâmbițat ce viață frumoasă vor avea românii, cum va fi eliminată birocrația și viața noastră reală va fi ușurată de cea virtuală. Evident că nimic din toate astea nu s-a întâmplat. În continuare trebuie să te duci la ghișeele instituțiilor publice să depui cereri, să plătești, să ridici documentele, să cumperi timbre fiscale de la poștă, să plătești taxe la trezorerie și să stai la nelipsitele cozi. Așa că ne-am apucat să vedem ce se mai întâmplă cu proiectul care trebuia să ne aducă fericirea.

Până acum, guvernul a plătit firmei OMNILOGIC pentru eROMANIA 1 o valoare estimativă de 42,016,805 lei fără TVA, aproximativ 10 milioane de euro. Pentru a doua parte a portalului eROMANIA2 guvernul a plătit firmei Omnilogic încă 42,900,000 lei adică încă 10 milioane euro. Deci, un portal de 20 milioane de euro. Împreună cu firma OMNILOGIC au lucrat firmele SYSWARE , SOFTWIN, TOTALSOFT, TEAMNET. În seara zilei de 23 decembrie 2013 s-a anunțat testarea publică în mediul online ce a durat până în 31 martie 2014. Astăzi, la peste cinci ani de la lansare și un an de la testare, portalul este NEFUNCȚIONAL. Cele mai simple funcționalități sunt indisponibile, și chiar nu înțelegem de ce , un portal atât de simplu și atât de util este complet NEFUNCȚIONAL. Am făcut o analiză a acestuia ca un potențial utilizator:

  1. Portalul ar trebui să poată fi accesat prin link Link-ul permite accesul la Prima Pagină.
  2. Funcția Creare User nu funcționează. Așadar nu se poate crea un utilizator pentru acest portal.



  1. Funcția Căutare avansată nu funcționează. Deoarece în caietul de sarcini apare ca și funcționalitate disponibilă, extrem de utilă de altfel, un nomenclator al deșeurilor, introducem cuvantul cheie „deseu” sau „deșeu”. Rezultatele sunt comice (utilizând IE 11):

Se vede cheia de cautare, zero rezultate. Particularitate: Collection: gabi.test.



Rezultatul este același indiferent de termen sau de limba cu care s-a încercat cautarea.

  1. Tab-urile au comportament eterogen.

  2. În pagina „Pagina principala” tab-ul asociat este activ, dar acționarea lui rămâne fără efect. Celelalte tab-uri nu sunt active, în schimb – mouse over deschide submeniuri

  3. Mecanismul de parcurgere a unei galerii (este doar un exemplu; constatarea este universal valabilă) funcționează incorect. În screenshot-ul de mai jos galeria are o singură imagine. Totuși, comenzile „Următoarea” și „Ultima” rămân active, deși nu ar trebui.



  1. Tutorialele video

  2. Sunt doar 12, față de minim 20, cât prevede vechiul Caiet de Sarcini la care încă avem acces;

  3. Sunt dificil de urmărit. Există defazare între imagine și sunet.

  4. Tematici de bază, menționate in vechiul Caiet de Sarcini NU SE AFLĂ printre cele 12 tutoriale. Exemple:

  5. „O prezentare generală a modulelor din cadrul e-Romania, a funcționalităților acesteia și a meniurilor principale”;

  6. „Cele mai uzuale scenarii de utilizare (cel putin un numar de 20 de scenarii de utilizare)”;

  7. „Un ghid care să contina informații despre cum se va reacționa în anumite situații întâlnite în cadrul aplicatției (de exemplu care sunt pașii care trebuie urmați în cazul apariției unei erori)”)

  8. Lipsește total caracteristica de INTERACTIVITATE, specificată de Caietul de Sarcini

  9. În cursul rulării unui tutorial (Exemplu: cel privind Forumul Democrației participative – Administrație) apar subtitluri în portugheză:

  1. In esență, tutorialele descriu ce se vede pe ecran. Nu furnizează, cu adevarat, cunoștințe necesare celui ce vrea să se familiarizeze cu aplicația pe care Tutorialul ar trebui să o serveasca

Caietele de sarcini cer realizarea de subportaluri:

Volumul de conținut:

Caietul de Sarcini impune următoarele:

“În funcție de numărul de locuitori din fiecare localitate, volumul minim de informații inițiale ce trebuiesc introduse în portal, pentru fiecare localitate se calculează conform tabelului urmator:

Numar locuitori



< 10.000















Admițând că toate cele cca 13,500 de localități din România au sub 10,000 de locuitori, aplicația analizată ar fi trebuit să includă 67,000 de imagini și 27,000 de pagini de text (de câte 350 de cuvinte). În limitele posibilităților de evaluare (in conditiile de mai sus), acoperirea nu depăsește 1%.

Deci, în faimosul nostru PORTAL eROMANIA nu s-a realizat nici măcar 1% din cât a fost cerut!!

Imensa majoritate a obiectelor au pagini în lucru (deși acest aspect nu este explicit declarat, cele afișate o confirmă).

Informațiile nu sunt actuale. De exemplu, Agenda Digitală 2020 are o dimensiune de 2 % din cea a documentului oficial. Este prezentată varianta din 2013, deși ultima versiune datează din iunie-iulie 2014.

Majoritatea paginilor de conținut citează ca sursă “Omnilogic și diverse surse publice deschise”



Cele de mai sus reprezintă doar un mic numar de constatări. Vorbind despre o aplicație NEFUNCȚIONALĂ, nici măcar la nivel de versiune alfa, este tragic că pentru această aplicație a fost platită suma de 20 milioane de euro. O glumă de portal.

În anul 2013 , portalul eROMANIA ajunge la PARCHET. Guvernul Ponta îi acuză de fapte penale pe funcționarii din guvernul anterior. Corpul de Control al primului-ministru publică în iunie 2013 un raport în care acuza lansarea și atribuirea ilegală a proiecutlui eROMANIA companiei Omnilogic controlată de omul de afaceri Gabriel Marin. Tot raportul de control al primului ministru arată că angajați ai firmei Omnilogic și ai MCSI au realizat „fapte de natură penală” pentru a determina continuarea contractului, a neîntreruperii plăților de la bugetul de stat, arătând că neregulile în acest contract ar fi pornit încă din faza întocmirii documentației și ar fi culminat cu atribuirea unor numere de înregistrare false pentru unele documente, în înlocuirea unor file din oferta pe baza căreia Omnilogic ar fi câștigat contractul. Raportul a identificat multe fapte penale ale angajaților Ministerului Comunicațiilor ți ale firmei Omnilogic. Faptele penale din contract cuprind: fals material în înscrisuri oficiale, uz de fals, abuz în serviciu contra intereselor publice, fals intelectual, fals în înscrisuri sub semnatură privată.

Raportul a fost transmis Parchetului de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, iar din acest moment nu s-a mai auzit nimic nici de raport, nici de neregulile din raport, nici de faptele penale. S-a lăsat liniștea. A rămas un portal eROMANIA, rușinos, nefuncțional, dar de 20 milioane de euro. De ce s-a lăsat liniștea?

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Decapitari,maini taiate, femei omorate cu pietre..bref SHARIA

Sursa: Dailymail
Privirea nepasatoare a guvernelor tarilor occidentale a permis comunitatilor islamice sa si formeze grupuri de tip kibut sau conglomerate puternic organizate in interiorul societatii occidentale iar memebrii acestei comunitati nu se conduc dupa legile normale in vigoare in statul respectiv.Toti apeleaza la legea fundamentala islamica cunoscuta sub numele de SHARIA…daca o cautati pe google sub cuvintele cheie “violence sharia videos” veti gasi imagini infioratoare cu maini taiate, oameni decapitati sau spanzuratori in piata publica….

O lege animalica,ancestrala, care permite in zilele noastre ca femeile sau adolescentele sa fie omorate cu pietre ca in evul mediu, ca femeile sa merga cu 5 metri in urma barbatilor , ca oamenii de zapada sa fie interzisi sau ca avioanele din  si catre Arabia Saudita sa fie separate pe barbati sau femei.

E bine sa aruncati un ochi si pe definitia legii islamice din wikipedia….ca sa intelegeti organizarea si rolurile acestui sistem paralel format din lideri religiosi numiti IMAMI sau judecatori religiosi numiti QADI ( sau cadiu in romana) …un sistem paralel si fara legatura cu realitatile lumii si libertatilor contemporane.

Pana atunci urmariti mai jos ce se intampla cu comunitatile muslime din UK care traiesc si acolo si se conduc dupa aceeasi implacabila lege SHARIA.

– – –

Mass immigration has led to the growth of Muslim ‘ghettos’ in Britain which are run under Sharia Law, Nigel Farage declared last night.

In an interview with US news channel Fox News, Mr Farage said the authorities had turned a ‘blind eye’ to the growth of ghettos where ‘the police and all the normal agents of the law have withdrawn and that is where Sharia law has come in’.

Mr Farage’s controversial remarks came after US terror ‘expert’ Steve Emerson sparked ridicule by claiming Birmingham was ‘totally Muslim’ and religious police squads were roaming the streets of London.

Scroll down for video

Ukip leader Nigel Farage pictured during an interview with Fox News. He has now claimed Britain has ghettos controlled by Sharia law

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles accused Mr Farage of ‘pandering to peoples’ worst fears’ and branded his comments ‘irresponsible and wrong’.

The Ukip leader was interviewed yesterday by presenter Sean Hannity on the causes of the Paris massacre, following his comments last week in which he blamed a ‘fifth column’ and ‘gross multiculturalism’ for the attacks.

In yesterday’s interview, Mr Hannity asked why Britain and other countries had allowed ‘people to come to the country, not assimilate, separate, take their land ostensibly and then risk even being at war with them’.

Mr Farage said: ‘I agreed with your sentiments entirely’.

He added: ‘So wherever you look you see this blind eye being turned and you see the growth of ghettos where the police and all the normal agents of the law have withdrawn and that is where Sharia Law has come in.’

Mr Farage said the imposition of Sharia law meant there had been no prosecutions for the ‘tens of thousands’ of female genital mutilations carried out in Britain.

He said ‘moral cowardice’ was to blame for the police not trying to catch Muslim men involved in child abuse in parts of Northern England.

Mr Farage's remarks, to the US TV chanel Fox News, came after the network's terror 'expert' Steven Emerson earlier this week claimed Birmingham was a 'no-go' zone for non-Muslims

Mr Farage’s remarks, to the US TV chanel Fox News, came after the network’s terror ‘expert’ Steven Emerson earlier this week claimed Birmingham was a ‘no-go’ zone for non-Muslims

Nigel Farage comments on the rise of radical Islam in Europe


Most big French cities have ‘no-go zones’ which non-Muslims cannot enter that are the result of European countries’ ‘moral cowardice’ in preventing the development of large ghettos, Nigel Farage has claimed.

The Ukip leader said such ‘no-go zones’ were increasing across Europe and he was ‘hoping and praying’ it did not occur in Britain, The Telegraph reported.

He said Britain had been turning a blind eye to preachers who had arrived in the country from the Middle East and were saying things for which the rest of the population would be arrested.

‘In parts of northern England we’ve seen the sexual grooming of under-age girls committed by Muslim men, in the majority, and for all of these things we are seeing the law not being applied equally, we’re seeing the police forces not doing their job because we’ve suffered from moral cowardice.

‘We have through mass immigration and through not checking the details of those people who have come to our countries, we have allowed big ghettos to develop and when it comes to confronting tough issues we’re run a mile and that is why we’re in the mess we’re in, we’ve been led very badly.’

Mr Farage said: ‘We’ve been turning a blind eye to preachers of hate that have been coming here from the Middle East and saying things for which the rest of us would be arrested.

‘In parts of northern England we’ve seen the sexual grooming of under-age girls committed by Muslim men, in the majority, and for all of these things we are seeing the law not being applied equally, we’re seeing the police forces not doing their job because we’ve suffered from moral cowardice.

‘We have through mass immigration and through not checking the details of those people who have come to our countries, we have allowed big ghettos to develop and when it comes to confronting tough issues we’re run a mile and that is why we’re in the mess we’re in, we’ve been led very badly.’

He said: ‘We even, a few years ago, had some quite clear examples where the immigration services were actually allowing women to come into Britain from Pakistan and elsewhere to join polygamous marriages something that is against our law.

But Mr Pickles said the comments were ‘irresponsible and wrong’, and accused the Ukip leader of both ‘running down’ Britain and ‘pandering to peoples’ worst fears’.

He said: ‘It is disappointing that Nigel Farage is running our country down on American television, and his comments are both irresponsible and wrong.

‘This Government is standing up for British values and British liberties.

‘We’ve clamped down on the excessive use of foreign translation by councils, re-affirmed the importance of Christianity in public life, tackled divisive politics in Tower Hamlets, and are taking firm action to stop the criminal abuse of children. Mr Farage should show some leadership rather than pandering to peoples’ worst fears.’

Fox News sparked controversy earlier this week when it interviewed a terror expert who said Birmingham is run by hard-line Islamists.

Steven Emerson said ‘there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim, where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in’.

Mr Emerson, whose website states he is an ‘internationally-recognised expert on terrorism’, later said sorry for his ‘terrible error’.

How Birmingham responded to US ‘terror expert’ who claimed Britain’s second city was ‘totally Muslim’ and ‘non-Muslims simply don’t go in’

A US terror ‘expert’ sparked ridicule this week after claiming Birmingham was ‘totally Muslim’ and ‘non-Muslims just simply don’t go in’.

Steve Emerson made the bizarre comments on Fox News in the US – also claiming there were religious police squads roaming the streets of London who ‘seriously wound’ people in non-Muslim dress.

David Cameron labelled him a ‘complete idiot’. He added: ‘When I heard this, frankly I choked on my porridge.’

Mr Farage's remarks, to the US TV chanel Fox News, came after  terror 'expert' Steven Emerson told the network's Jeanine Pirro that Birmingham was a 'no-go' zone for non-Muslims

Mr Farage’s remarks, to the US TV chanel Fox News, came after terror ‘expert’ Steven Emerson told the network’s Jeanine Pirro that Birmingham was a ‘no-go’ zone for non-Muslims

It also sparked bafflement on Twitter under the hashtag #FoxNewsFacts, with users suggesting his theory was about as likely as Brummie TV presenter Adrian Chiles being a radical cleric.

Online wits used images of Mecca Bingo, the Queen wearing a headscarf and bearded football manager Roy Keane to satirise the bizarre statement made by Steve Emerson on American television.

Others made a series of groan-worthy puns – including jokes about ‘Halal Kitty’, ‘Burqa King’ and ‘Mosque Bros’.

Mocking: This was one of many #foxnewsfacts tweets making fun of the claim that Birmingham is a Muslim-only city; it shows Aston Villa's former assistant manager Roy Keane

Mocking: This was one of many #foxnewsfacts tweets making fun of the claim that Birmingham is a Muslim-only city; it shows Aston Villa’s former assistant manager Roy Keane

Pun: One tweet suggested that 'Halal Kitty' would become a popular toy in the wake of the controversy

Pun: One tweet suggested that ‘Halal Kitty’ would become a popular toy in the wake of the controversy

Mecca: The name of the popular bingo chain was linked to Islam's holiest city by several online wits

Mecca: The name of the popular bingo chain was linked to Islam’s holiest city by several online wits

Under wraps: Some people compared this image of the Queen wearing a headscarf to the Islamic burqa

Under wraps: Some people compared this image of the Queen wearing a headscarf to the Islamic burqa

The controversy originated when Mr Emerson, a self-styled expert on terrorism, was participating in a Fox News discussion in the wake of the attacks on Charlie Hebdo’s office in Paris.

‘In Britain, it’s not just no-go zones,’ he claimed. ‘There are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in.’

The pundit later apologised for his blunder – just 22 per cent of the city’s residents are Muslim, compared to 46 per cent describing themselves as Christian – but could not stop the bemused reaction.

Amidst the backlash, he announced that he would donate £500 to Birmingham Children’s Hospital in a bid to atone for his ‘terrible, inexcusable error’.

Among those criticising Mr Emerson were Prime Minister David Cameron, who said yesterday: ‘When I heard this, frankly I choked on my porridge. This guy is clearly a complete idiot.’

Sporting: A cricket writer posted this picture of England batsman Moeen Ali as part of the trending hashtag

Sporting: A cricket writer posted this picture of England batsman Moeen Ali as part of the trending hashtag

Lookalikes: One Twitter user pointed out that children's sweets Ice Gems look like models of domed mosques

Lookalikes: One Twitter user pointed out that children’s sweets Ice Gems look like models of domed mosques

Band: Duran Duran have been reborn as 'Quran Quran' in this jokey tweet

Band: Duran Duran have been reborn as ‘Quran Quran’ in this jokey tweet

Veiled: The decoration of the Selfridges store in central Birmingham was compared

Veiled: The decoration of the Selfridges store in central Birmingham was compared

Battle: A Doctor Who image is compared to a horde of rampaging women in another mocking message

Battle: A Doctor Who image is compared to a horde of rampaging women in another mocking message

Others were even more scathing, using the hashtag #foxnewsfacts to mock the controversy.

Journalist Richard Adams tweeted a photograph of Roy Keane, former assistant manager of Aston Villa who now sparks a large beard, writing: ‘Dangerous bearded fanatics have a history of running Birmingham’s sporting institutions.’

In a similar vein, cricket writer James Marsh posted a picture of England star Moeen Ali with the caption: ‘Terrifying photo of how a typical Muslim from Birmingham guards the city gates against infidels.’

Several users put up photographs of Mecca Bingo branches, joking that the name of the company is a reference to the holiest city in Islam.

Map: This mocked-up image shows Birmingham in the middle of Iraq

Map: This mocked-up image shows Birmingham in the middle of Iraq

Sporting occasion: Journalist Robin Wigglesworth shared this photograph of the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and claimed it was Aston Villa's game against Birmingham City

Sporting occasion: Journalist Robin Wigglesworth shared this photograph of the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and claimed it was Aston Villa’s game against Birmingham City

Tower: This image purports to show a minaret towering over Birmingham - but it's actually the BT Tower

Tower: This image purports to show a minaret towering over Birmingham – but it’s actually the BT Tower

Covering up: Even jam has to dress modestly in Birmingham, according to web jokers

Covering up: Even jam has to dress modestly in Birmingham, according to web jokers

Pop culture: Harry Potter was also roped in to the ongoing Twitter storm

Pop culture: Harry Potter was also roped in to the ongoing Twitter storm

Convert? Lawrence of Arabia wearing a headdress with superficial similarities to the burqa

Convert? Lawrence of Arabia wearing a headdress with superficial similarities to the burqa

Mix-up: The Brighton Pavilion, decorated in a Mughal Indian style, could be mistaken for a mosque by an unobservant witness

Mix-up: The Brighton Pavilion, decorated in a Mughal Indian style, could be mistaken for a mosque by an unobservant witness

One tweeter, @enoch_macdhu, sent out a photograph of a Meccano box, adding: ‘British toy manufacturer threatened with fatwa after writing Mecca-no on construction kit boxes.’

Mark Ferguson wrote: ‘The Vicar of Dibley was reproduced for transmission in Birmingham as The Imam of Dudley.’

And BBC DJ Nihal joked: ‘Ozzy Osborne was part of a Muslim sleeper cell known as Black Shaheed. Ozzy short for Osman.’

Professional comedians also got in on the trend – Al Murray tweeted: ‘Ming the Merciless is named after the centre of Birmingham.’

Puns: Many  couldn't resist riffing on the names of British institutions such as Moss Bros and Black Sabbath

Puns: Many couldn’t resist riffing on the names of British institutions such as Moss Bros and Black Sabbath

Bafflement: In time-honoured fashion, the ironic hashtag  was soon circulating on Twitter

Bafflement: In time-honoured fashion, the ironic hashtag was soon circulating on Twitter

Politican Tom Copley weighed in with a pun, writing: ‘Birmingham has a chain of fast food restaurants called Burqa King.’

Another joker, Wes White, started a petition on with the title ‘Let non-Muslims back in to the city of Birmingham’.

He wrote: ‘Birmingham had loads of non-muslims in the last time I was there, so this is a real shock.

‘We call upon the city of Birmingham and other non-specified British cities to once again allow non-Muslims to roam their streets.’

Mr Emerson announced yesterday that he would give a donation to Birmingham Children’s Hospital, and the hospital confirmed today that it had received a £500 gift from the pundit.

A spokesman said: ‘We would like to thank Mr Emerson for his donation. The money he has donated will go towards improving the lives of thousands of patients and their families who are treated at our hospital each year.

‘We hope that the public reaction to his comments have shown what a fantastic city Birmingham is to live and work in.’

Most residents of the city have stood up for their home, praising its diversity and denying that there are significant problems between the different races living there.

However, a few years ago it was reported that many white working-class inhabitants of Birmingham felt they were unable to visit some areas of the city at night due to hostility towards them from immigrant communities.

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Bani europeni fraudați la Autostrada Sibiu-Orăștie. Siguranța circulației pusă în pericol

Sursa: Curentul

Autostrada Orăștie-Sibiu este co-finanțată de Comisia Europeană prin Fondul de Coeziune și Guvernul României prin Programul Operațional Sectorial -Transport 2007-2013. În 07 iunie 2011, CNADNR încheie contractele pentru lotul 1 de 24 km cu STRABAG SRL și pentru lotul 2 de 19 km cu Asocierea Straco Grup SRL(ai cărei patroni sunt în prezent arestați pentru o evaziune uriașă) – Studio Corona SRL Civil Engineering.
La terminarea lucrărilor pentru primul lot al autostrăzii(între km 0+000 și 24+110), o Comisie de Recepție a CNADNR formată din 15 persoane, angajați CNADNR și ai CJ Alba și Hunedoara precum și alte 16 persoane invitate de la antrepenor, primari și Poliția Rutieră, a semnat în 17,12,2013 procesul verbal de recepție nr. 245 în care s-au consemnat lucrări neexecutate cu termenul de finalizare de 90 de zile, prevăzut în HG 273/1994:
cnadnrCNADNRCNADNR– Realizarea drumurilor tehnologice de 11,59 km și a gardului de protecție de 2,55 km;
– Realizarea conform proiectului a rampelor pasajelor între km 22+060 și 14+150;
– Amenajarea albiilor râurilor și realizarea peisagistică conform proiectului;
– Finalizarea parcării inteligente de la km 24+065;
– Finalizarea Sistemului Inteligent de Transport;

Recomandările poliției au fost ca, întrucât viteza de proiectare este de 120 km/h, se va realiza montarea parapetului de protecție pe toată lungimea culeelor pasajelor peste autostradă și montarea de plase metalice de protecție la pasajele superioare de autostradă.
În același proces-verbal sunt consemnate și lucrările care nu corespund proiectului:„deoarece straturile asfaltice executate (AB2, BAD 25m, MASF 16) au avut neconformități care la această dată au fost stinse prin Expertiza Tehnică nr. 54/2013, comisia solicită o urmărire specială a comportării în exploatare pentru îmbrăcămintea asfaltică care se va face de către DRPD Timișoara, în baza unui proiect aprobat. Soluționarea sectoarelor cu început de ravene (văi strâmte). Stația de pompare și rezervorul de apă din cadrul CIC nu respecta Avizul CNADNR și recomandările ISU.

Nici azi, la peste un an de la recepția lucrărilor și achitarea acestora, lucrările neexecutate sau neconforme nu au fost realizate.

Situație identică și la lotul 2 al autostrăzii.

Prin procesul verbal nr. 246 din 18.12.2013 aceeași echipă CNADNR a recepționat lotul 2 al autostrăzii cu următoarele lucrări neexecutate ce urmau a fi executate în 90 zile, termen prevăzut de lege.
CNADNRCNADNRCNADNR– Dintr-un total de 100.000 ml de șanțuri de beton, 13.000 ml nu au fost realizate;
– nu a fost finalizat spațiul de serviciu de pe partea stângă decât în proprție de 70% iar cel de pe partea dreaptă deloc, acesta nefiind aprobat de CNADNR pentru că antreprenorul nu trimisese toată documentația;
– Bazinele de dispersie nu au fost realizate iar cele decantoare cu separatoare de grăsimi au fost realizate doar 28 din 63;
– Drumurile tehnologice realizate în proporție de 50%;
– Protecție peste calea ferată între km 26+096 și 32+200;
– Amenajarea albiilor;
– Realizarea peisagisticii;
– Montarea plaselor pentru protejarea amfibienilor;
– Finalizarea sferturilor de con pe o lungime de un kilometru.
În același proces verbal sunt trecute și lucrările care nu respectă prevederile proiectului:
– Urmărirea în perioada de garanție a comportării stratului de uzură realizat cu mixtura tip MASF 16
– Aplicarea torcretului ca strat de protecție la elevația culeei de la km 30+430 conform expertizei tehnice din 15.05.2013
– Taluzele vor fi îmbrăcate cu pământ vegetal.

Nici aceste lucrări neexecutate sau neconforme nu au fost realizate nici până azi.
Inconștiența cu care conducerea CNADNR tratează siguranța oamenilor care circulă este incredibilă. Neexecutarea acestor lucrări nerealizate la timp sau conform cu proiectul conduce și la degradarea lucrărilor executate. Spre exemplificare, neinierbarea taluzurilor (neplantarea de vegetație) conduce la ravenarea (formare de văi strâmte) acestora și lucrări costisitoare de remediere și de întreținere. Nu putem face abstracție nici de pericolele pe care le prezintă pentru siguranța traficului lipsa parcărilor de odihnă pentru șoferi, lipsa iluminatului la nodurile rutiere, lipsa parapetelor de siguranță la ieșirile de pe autostradă, lipsa împrejmuirii – pericol cumplit pentru siguranța circulației pe autostradă, lipsa marcajelor.

Încercând să aflăm cum se poate amâna la nesfârșit termenul de 90 de zile prevăzut de lege, surse ce au dorit să-și păstreze anonimatul, ne-au explicat că Directorul General al CNADNR, Narcis Neaga a dispus suspendarea contractelor încheiate cu diriginții de șantier independenți care fuseseră încheiate în urma unor licitații publice și înlocuirea acestora cu subalternii săi care, din dispoziția șefilor, încalcă prevederile legale. Se pare că aceștia sunt însă foarte speriați pentru că OLAF a intrat pe fir, chiar dacă noile atribuții de diriginți de șantier le-au rotunjit frumușel veniturile personale. Stratagema CNADNR este una profund nepatriotică având în vedere că plata diriginților de șantier independenți era făcută din fonduri europene iar cea a angajaților CNADNR-diriginți se face din bani publici românești. Așadar fraudarea banilor europeni a trecut la nivelul următor. Dacă până acum eram obișnuiți cu formularea DNA: „a semnat proces verbal de recepție pentru lucrări executate care în realitate nu fuseseră executate”, acum se semnează Proces Verbal „la sânge” dar nu se mai execută/remediază niciodată ceea ce se trece ca neexecutat în procesul verbal, prin diverse manevre în afara legii.

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Cannabis la 12 ani,Ecstasy la 13 ani-drumul nesupravegheat al unei eleve de scoala privata

Sursa: Dailymail

Growing up in a happy middle-class home in Surrey, Emily Hunter Gordon, now 25, had every advantage and everything to look forward to.

Her parents, although divorced, were loving and sent her to the best private schools they could afford, all while ensuring she never wanted for anything.

Yet by the age of 12, Hunter Gordon was a regular cannabis user and swiftly descended into drug addiction, first attending rehab at the age of 16.

Former addict: Emily Hunter Gordon, now 25, ended up on the streets after becoming a drug addict

Later, she became addicted to dangerous meow meow, a drug that has been linked to more than 200 British deaths, and stole from her mother in a bid to pay for drugs.

Now clean and mother to a two-year-old son, the 25-year-old says that while getting off drugs was hard, rebuilding her relationship with her mother has been even tougher.

‘My parents are separated but it was amicable,’ says Hunter Gordon of her ‘happy, middle class’ childhood.

‘They split up when I was two but there was never any fights. I’d see my father once or twice during the week and every other weekend. Life at home was fine. I knew I was loved and I knew I was cared for.’

But school was a very different story. ‘I never felt like I fitted in,’ she explains. ‘Back then, I really struggled to make friends.I was really lonely and felt like I was flitting from person to person.’

Aged eight, she fell victim to bullies who taunted her about her looks and left her feeling totally worthless.

Troubled: Emily began smoking weed at 12 and was 16 (pictured) when she first went to rehab

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Guvernul e convins ca ne merge bine… Iata dovada

Sursa: Ziarul Financiar

Antreprenorul gorjean Nicolae Sarcină a cerut săptămâna trecută insolvenţa grupului Succes care are activităţi în mai multe domenii, printre care retail, producţie de carne, prelucrarea lemnului şi comerţ cu carburanţi. Grupul, cu afaceri totale de 350 mil. euro în 2013 şi cu peste 1.600 de salariaţi, va primi o sentinţă pe 27 ianuarie.

Componenta de retail alimentar, respectiv magazinele Succes, este cea mai importantă în grup, contribuind cu 70% la cifra de afaceri, potrivit ultimelor date ZF.

În acest context, lanţurile Mega Image şi Profi se află în negocieri pentru preluarea unora dintre magazinele  retailerului român Succes, controlat de omul de afaceri gorjean potrivit mai multor surse din piaţă. Mega Image este interesat de unităţile din Bucureşti în timp ce Profi analizează atât magazinele din Capitală cât şi cele din provincie. Reţeaua Succes este cel mai puternic retailer cu acţionariat român din comerţul local, cu peste 150 de magazine în nouă judeţe şi Bucureşti.

Potrivit presei locale, omul de afaceri gorjean este de asemenea anchetat pentru evaziune fiscală.


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“Coincidentele Chiuariu”- Posta Romana, Dosarul Retrocedari Hrebenciuc…

Sursa: Hotnews

Directia Nationala Anticoruptie arata, intr-un comunicat de presa transmis sambata, ca procurorii DNA Brasov au dispus punerea in miscare a actiunii penale si luarea masurii controlului judiciar, pe o durata de 30 de zile, din 10 ianuarie pana in 8 februarie inclusiv, fata de senatorul Tudor Alexandru Chiuariu, scrie Mediafax. Fostul ministru al Justitiei este acuzat de trafic de influenta, spalare de bani si aderare la un grup infractional organizat, in dosarul privind retrocedarea a peste 43.000 de hectare de padure, in care sunt arestati preventiv fostul deputat Viorel Hrebenciuc, deputatul Ioan Adam si beneficiarul retrocedarii, Gheorghe Paltin Sturdza.


Potrivit ordonantei de dispunere a controlului judiciar, in contextul demersurilor infractionale depuse pentru retrocedarea unor mari suprafete de teren forestier catre Paltin Sturdza, in noiembrie 2012, Ioan Gheorghe Varga si Daniel Constantin Calugar s-au inteles cu Tudor Chiuariu sa primeasca suma de 2,5 milioane de euro pentru a interveni pe langa functionarii publici ai Comisiei Judetene de aplicare a legilor fondului funciar din cadrul Institutiei Prefectului Judetului Bacau, RNP Romsilva – Directiei Silvice Bacau si OCPI Bacau, “cu scopul de a-i determina pe acestia fie sa urgenteze, fie sa-si indeplineasca in mod defectuos (ex. sa nu exercite actiuni in justitie) atributiile de serviciu privind punerea in executare a unei decizii a Tribunalului Covasna”.

Decizia avea ca obiect reconstituirea dreptului de proprietate asupra suprafetei de 43.227 de hectare de teren forestier ce a apartinut fostului Domeniu Ghica-Comanesti.

Ulterior, sustin anchetatorii, cumpararea de influenta a fost disimulata prin incheierea unui contract de asistenta juridica, potrivit caruia suma de doua milioane de euro urma sa ii fie platita lui Chiuariu cu titlu de onorariu fix si 500.000 de euro ca onorariu de succes la data predarii titlurilor de proprietate.

“Prin cooptarea inculpatului Chiuariu Tudor in interiorul grupului infractional organizat, acesta a dobandit si asumat un rol esential, in sensul ca, sub coordonarea inculpatilor Adam Ioan si Paltin Gheorghe Sturdza, si-a folosit influenta politica data de calitatea de parlamentar si fost ministru al justitiei, pentru a interveni pe langa functionarii publici din cadrul Institutiei Prefectului Judetului Bacau, OCPI Bacau, Directia Silvica Bacau, in scopul urgentarii punerii in executare a deciziei Tribunalului Covasna”, au scris procurorii in ordonanta.

In timpul controlului judiciar, Tudor Chiuariu poate parasi Romania doar cu incuviintarea procurorului si are interdictie sa se apropie si sa comunice, direct sau indirect, cu persoanele mentionate in ordonanta procurorilor. Chiuariu este obligat sa se prezinte la politie conform programului de supraveghere stabilit sau de cate ori este chemat, sa mearga la anchetatori cand este citat, sa anunte daca isi schimba locuinta si sa nu detina, sa nu foloseasca si sa nu poarte arme.

Procurorii i-au atras atentia lui Tudor Chiuariu ca daca incalca aceste obligatii, masura controlului judiciar poate fi inlocuita cu arestul la domiciliu sau arestarea preventiva.

Anchetatorii au fost sprijiniti in aceasta cauza de Serviciul Roman de Informatii.

Anterior, surse judiciare au declarat pentru Mediafax ca senatorul Tudor Chiuariu ar fi cerut, in calitate de avocat, doua milioane de euro sa intervina la prefectul judetului Bacau, “pentru rezolvarea situatiei cu padurea lui Paltin Sturdza”. Chiuariu ar fi cerut banii direct de la Gheorghe Paltin Sturdza, au mai spus sursele citate.

In dosarul retrocedarii ilegale de paduri sunt arestati fostul deputat Viorel Hrebenciuc, deputatul Ioan Adam, Gheorghe Paltin Sturdza si judecatorul Lorand Andras Ordog. In detentie a fost, pana in seara zilei de 22 decembrie 2014, si fiul lui Hrebenciuc, Andrei, insa, dupa judecarea contestatiei sale fata de prelungirea masurii preventive, instanta suprema a decis ca acesta sa fie cercetat in arest la domiciliu.

Dosarul vizeaza retrocedarea a peste 43.000 de hectare de padure in judetul Bacau, in baza unor decizii ilegale ale unor judecatori, cu implicarea unor parlamentari, pentru obtinerea ilegala a unor sume mari de bani. Grupul infractional ar fi fost constituit in aprilie 2013, de Viorel Hrebenciuc, impreuna cu Ioan Adam, Paltin Gheorghe Sturdza si Dan Costin Bengescu, care urmareau sa obtina venituri prin cumparare de influenta sau folosirea functiilor. Grupul infractional ar fi folosit inclusiv firme off-shore pentru a ascunde provenienta banilor. Pagubita in acest caz este Romsilva, care a pierdut aproape 304 milioane de euro dupa ce Gheorghe Paltin Sturdza a reusit sa intre in posesia celor peste 43.000 de hectare de padure.

Procurorii DNA sustin ca in aprilie 2012, prin intermediul deputatului Ioan Adam, Gheorghe Paltin Sturdza le-a cerut judecatorilor Lorand Andras Ordog si Gabriel Uta, de la Tribunalul Covasna, sa pronunte o hotarare judecatoreasca in favorarea sa. Tribunalul Covasna a dispus punerea in posesia lui Paltin Sturdza a unei suprafete de 43.227 de hectare de padure in Bacau.

Potrivit anchetatorilor, incepand din aprilie 2013, Viorel Hrebenciuc, impreuna cu deputatul Ioan Adam, cu Paltin Gheorghe Sturdza si Dan Costin Bengescu, a constituit si coordonat un grup, care a fost sprijinit ulterior si de alte persoane, ce urmarea sa obtina venituri prin oferire de mita, cumparare de influenta sau folosirea nelegala a influentei, pentru a urgenta punerea in posesie si eliberarea titlului de proprietate, precum si vanzarea rapida a terenului forestier in suprafata de 43.227 de hectare, dobandit prin hotararea judecatoreasca din 2012 de la Tribunalul Covasna.

In acest sens, in aprilie 2013, Hrebenciuc si Bengescu le-ar fi promis deputatului Ioan Adam si lui Paltin Sturdza ca-i va determina pe functionarii publici care trebuiau sa il puna in posesie pe Sturdza si sa elibereze titlul de proprietate pentru terenul de 43.227 de hectare – printre care Comisia Judeteana de Fond Funciar Bacau, Directia Silvica Bacau, Comisiile locale de Fond Funciar Asau, Dofteana, Brusturoasa, Palanca, OCPI Bacau, ITRSV Suceava si Romsilva – sa urgenteze indeplinirea actelor sau sa nu se formuleze plangeri in instanta impotriva deciziilor Comisiei judetene de fond funciar Bacau. Hrebenciuc si Bengescu ar fi acceptat sa primeasca de la cei doi, in schimbul interventiilor sale, bani sau alte foloase, au precizat procurorii.

Hrebenciuc mai este acuzat ca, incepand din 2013, i-ar fi solicitat senatorului PSD Ilie Sirbu sa-i transmita “mesaje obligatorii” directorului general al Romsilva, Adam Craciunescu, membru in acelasi partid, in legatura cu modul in care Romsilva trebuia sa se comporte in legatura cu punerea in posesie, eliberarea titlului de proprietate si litigiile juridice aferente reconstituirii dreptului de proprietate pentru cele peste 43.000 de hectare de padure.

In dosarul retrocedarii sunt urmariti penal si senatorii Dan Sova si Ilie Sarbu, precum si directorul general al Romsilva, Adam Craciunescu.

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VIDEO Imaginile rusinii: tineri magrebieni sfideaza miliarde de oameni: fac semnul victoriei si simuleaza impuscaturi in spatele reporterilor care transmit in direct din Paris

Sursa: Hotnews


Tineri de origine magrebiana sfideaza bunul simt: ei se posteaza in spatele reporterilor care transmit imagini in direct din Paris si arata cu degetele semnul V al victoriei, dupa cum arata imaginile foto si video postate pe internet.

maginea terifianta nu este singulara, ea se repeta in spatele mai multor reporteri tv. Mai mult, in imaginile video de mai jos, unii dintre tinerii magrebieni simuleaza o tragere cu arma automata.

Reamintim ca in Franta se inregistreaza cea mai grava criza de securitate din ultimii ani, dupa atacul terorist care a facut 12 victime in redactia ziarului satiric Charlie Hebdo. Presupusii autori, care au infaptuit crimele in numele lui Allah, au luat mai multi ostatici si negociaza acum cu politia. In plus, un alt fundamentalist islamist a luat ostatici intr-un cartier evreiesc al Parisului si cere ca ceilalti doi islamisti sa fie lasati in pace de autoritati, altfel ii va ucide pe ostatici.

Vedeti mai jos imaginile rusinii din Paris:

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15 mil euro datoriile lui Sarbu de la Mediafax catre furnizori,28 milioane euro datoriile lui la ING Bank


Mediafax Group, companie deținută de Adrian Sârbu, a intrat în insolvenţă din cauza unor datorii de 62 de milioane de lei (aproximativ 14 milioane de euro), anunță site-ul, care citează  documentaţia depusă la cererea de insolvenţă. Termenul de înscriere la masa credală este de 2 februarie 2015.

-În plus, aceeași sursă mai menționează că restanţele la bugetele de stat depăşesc 5 milioane lei

Mediafax Group, companie ce editează, printre altele, Ziarul Financiar și Business Magazin, a intrat în insolvență la data de 16 decembrie 2014. Administrator judiciar a fost numit KPMG Restructuring SPRL Bucureşti.

Societatea MEDIAFAX GROUP SA a fost înfiinţată în anul 2010, fiind specializată pe activităţi de editare a revistelor şi periodicelor.

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TESCO inchide 43 de magazine in UK dupa vanzarile dezastruoase de Craciun

Sursa: Dailymail


  • Tesco says sales for past 19 weeks to January 3 were down 2.9%
  • Plan to cut jobs, shut stores and head office and sell-off parts of business 
  • But six weeks over Christmas were better than expected – only a 0.3% drop 
  • M&S suffered 5.8% drop in general merchandise sales – mainly clothing
  • Boss Marc Bolland under pressure after 14th consecutive sales fall  
  • High street giant blames problems with online systems and poor weather 

Tesco and Marks & Spencer today both announced a sharp slump in sales over the Christmas period.

Britain’s biggest supermarket said sales over the past 19 weeks were down 2.9 per cent and the UK’s largest high street chain said its general merchandise sales fell 5.8 per cent in the past 13 weeks.

Tesco today slashed its prices and announced it would shut 43 unprofitable stores but has refused to reveal the ones being closed and how many jobs will go.

CEO Dave Lewis also announced its head office in Cheshunt would be shut down and they will sell-off large chunks of its business to save cash after the worst year in its history.

M&S said it struggled in the run-up to Christmas because its new online distribution centre failed to cope with demand, resulting in no next day deliveries and longer waits for customers.

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Tesco CEO Dave Lewis

In the firing line: M&S boss Marc Bolland and Tesco CEO Dave Lewis are under huge pressure after another drop in sales over Christmas

Poor results: M&S suffered much worse sales than expected in both clothing sales and food sales, new figures revealed

Poor results: M&S suffered much worse sales than expected in both clothing sales and food sales, new figures revealed

Tesco and Marks & Spencer both appear to need to change strategy to turn their businesses around.

The supermarket giant revealed sales fell 2.9 per cent in the 19 weeks to January 3 but over the six-week Christmas period they were only down 0.3 per cent, which was better than expected.

Marks & Spencer said sales over the festive period were far worse than expected with like-for-like sales in its general merchandise division – which is mainly women’s clothes – down 5.8 per cent in the 13 weeks to December 27.

There is now huge pressure on Chief executive Marc Bolland, who blamed an ‘unsatisfactory performance’ in M&S’s e-commerce distribution centre.

M&S moved to a new online only platform last year and has been struggling with a raft of teething issues.

Trading in October and November was also affected by unseasonal weather conditions which M&S said impacted sales across the clothing sector and resulted in a highly promotional market.

The performance was a fourteenth consecutive quarterly decline in general merchandise sales for the British retailer, far under-performing analyst expectations for a three per cent drop.

A 0.1 per cent rise in food sales – usually M&S’ strongest department – in the same period was also lower than the 0.9 percent the market had expected.

M&S shares opened three per cent lower after the worse-than-expected performance dashed hopes in November of an improved trend in clothing sales.

Neil Saunders, managing director of retail analyst Conlumino, said: ‘We believe that M&S’s strategy of becoming more fashion-focused is generally sound.

‘New collections, including those in place over the Christmas period, had some strong pieces and, generally, looked good – especially in larger stores.

‘However, it is fair to say that the rejuvenation of M&S’s clothing offer is at a relatively early stage and it has not yet completely won back the confidence of consumers. This means that performance can easily be blown off course by negative headwinds, and the gusts certainly blew this Christmas.’

CEO Dave Lewis discusses Tesco’s interim results for 2014-15

A Tesco store in Immingham, North Lincolnshire that will now not open following the company Christmas sales figures

A Tesco store in Immingham, North Lincolnshire that will now not open following the company Christmas sales figures

Figures: Tesco revealed another fall in like-for-like sales but the figures were slightly better than previous quarters

Figures: Tesco revealed another fall in like-for-like sales but the figures were slightly better than previous quarters

Disappointing: The latest drop in sales was a fourteenth consecutive quarterly decline in general merchandise sales for the British retailer

Disappointing: The latest drop in sales was a fourteenth consecutive quarterly decline in general merchandise sales for the British retailer

Tesco used the day it announced its results to set out how they would change the business and win back customers.

New figures: Marks and Spencer's latest results showed how sales in key areas apart from food were all down 

New figures: Marks and Spencer’s latest results showed how sales in key areas apart from food were all down

Dave Lewis said the supermarket was to close its final salary pension scheme and shut its main headquarters in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, in 2016, moving to Welwyn Garden City. A restructuring of central overheads is expected to save £250 million a year.

In addition to the shutting of 43 shops, the group announced a ‘significant revision’ to its building programme by shelving 49 proposed stores.

It is also selling Tesco Broadband and UK download business Blinkbox to TalkTalk and exploring options for the disposal of its dunhumby data business, as well as cancelling a final-year dividend for 2014/15.

The raft of announcements came as the supermarket also fired the latest salvo in a New Year price war, by cutting the cost of some of its best-known products.

Chief executive Dave Lewis said: ‘We have some very difficult changes to make. I am very conscious that the consequences of these changes are significant for all stakeholders in our business but we are facing the reality of the situation.

‘We have some very difficult challenges to make. Our recent performance gives us confidence we can deliver’.

Tesco also cut the cost of some of its best-known products a day after Asda and Sainsbury’s did the same.

The under-pressure grocer said the move meant average savings of 25 per cent on 380 items under brands including Hovis, Coca-Cola, Marmite and Tetley.

The price cuts are the latest in the industry after Asda yesterday cut the prices of 2,500 ‘essentials’ such as fruit and vegetables, cereal, nappies, toilet rolls, milk, meat, eggs and fish. Rival Sainsbury’s also announced further reductions as part of a £150 million price-cutting plan disclosed in November.

Growth: Sales in M&S lucrative food business were up over Christmas but were still worse than expected

Growth: Sales in M&S lucrative food business were up over Christmas but were still worse than expected

New plan: Tesco has announced how it plans to turn round the business by cutting prices and its own costs

New plan: Tesco has announced how it plans to turn round the business by cutting prices and its own costs

Its market share and share price have taken a hammering as sales have fallen and millions of customers have flocked to Aldi and Lidl or high-end rivals Waitrose and Marks & Spencer.

The battle between supermarkets has also sparked price war, saving shoppers £182million in deals in the past three months and at least £450million in deals promised this year.

Tesco’s chief customer officer Jill Easterbrook said the cuts formed part of a strategy to improve the company’s focus on service and availability.

She added: ‘We know that customers want to see changes in the way we serve them. One of the biggest things they’ve been saying is that they want prices which are simple, consistent and low.

‘The changes we’re making today are a first step in that direction – and we’ve focused on many of the favourite brands customers choose every day.’

2014 was the worst year in Tesco’s history with shares now worth up to half what they were 12 months ago.

Tesco is attempting to lead a fightback after a dire 2014 saw it issue a number of profit warnings, culminating in December’s forecast that annual trading profits will slide to £1.4 billion from a predicted £2billion.

All change: Tesco's headquarters in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, pictured, will be closed down as will 43 unprofitable stores

All change: Tesco’s headquarters in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, pictured, will be closed down as will 43 unprofitable stores


  • 43 unprofitable stores to close. Affected staff are to be consulted over coming months with full details to be known by April.
  • 49 stores in the pipeline to be cancelled as investment slashed.
  • Tesco’s main office at Cheshunt to be closed in 2016 after 43 years, and headquarter operations consolidated in Welwyn Garden City, as part of plan to save £250 million a year.
  • Final salary pension scheme to close. Scheme has £3.4 billion deficit, costing group £500 million a year. It has 350,000 members including 200,000 current staff.
  • Tesco to cut prices on 380 branded products by an average of 25 per cent.
  • Halfords chief executive Matt Davies poached to lead Tesco’s UK and Ireland business from June. The turnaround specialist was previously boss of Pets at Home.
  • Tesco broadband and download firm Blinkbox sold to TalkTalk in deal thought to be worth £5million.
  • Final dividend for shareholders for 2014/15 cancelled.

It has put out a unprecedented four profits warnings in a year and is being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office over whether there was a criminal conspiracy to ‘cook the books’.

The Serious Fraud Office continues to investigate whether there was a criminal conspiracy to improve Tesco’s results over several years.

Last month  it was announced that Tesco now faces a wider-reaching probe into its finances amid suspicions a black hole in its accounts is far bigger than originally stated.

The Financial Reporting Council, the professional body for accountants, wants to formally investigate accounts filed in 2012, 2013 and 2014.

The supermarket originally suggested profits were overstated for the first six months of this year by £250million. However, it has now emerged the true figure was a higher £263million and the problems date back to 2012.

Tesco bosses could face prison if the Serious Fraud Office’s criminal inquiry finds any conspired to cook the books and it suspended eight senior executives in connection with the accounting irregularities.

Sales are also falling at their steepest level in four decades and they have issued four profit warnings in the past year.

Dave Lewis was parachuted in from Unilever in September to take over from Philip Clarke, who worked his way up from the shop floor to CEO, but lost his job over plunging sales and profits.

But Mr Lewis is already under pressure because he is yet to reveal a full plan showing how he will turn the supermarket around.

He has though cut costs and ended many perks for executives, getting rid of Tesco’s fleet of private jets and even stopping his own limousine and he now commutes by train.


February 28, 2011: Sir Terry Leahy steps down as chief executive on his 55th birthday after 14 years in charge, overseeing a leap in pre-tax profits from £750 million in 1997 to £3.4 billion in April 2010. He is replaced by Philip Clarke, right.

January 12, 2012: Less than a year into Mr Clarke’s tenure, Tesco shocks the market with its first profit warning in almost 20 years. Shares plunge by as much as 15 per cent, or more than £4 billion. 

April 18, 2012: Tesco unveils a £1billion UK revival plan, which includes upgrading stores, the recruitment of more staff and better prices and value. Initiative follows complaints its 2,800 stores are cold and industrial with bad service.

April 17, 2013: Tesco reports its first fall in annual profits in 19 years, tumbling almost 96 per cent to £120 million from a year earlier. The firm is hit by a £1.2 billion charge as it confirms it will leave the U.S. and also suffers a £804million write-down in the UK on land bought at the height of the property boom.

February 25, 2014: The supermarket promises to spend an additional £200 million on lower prices for basic products, such as carrots, tomatoes, onions, peppers and cucumbers.

April 16, 2014: Mr Clarke brushes off speculation about his future despite little sign that his £1 billion plan to turn around Tesco is bearing fruit. Profits fall 6.9 per cent to £3.05 billion for the year to February 22.

June 3, 2014: Till-roll figures from Kantar Worldpanel show a decline in Tesco’s market share to 29 per cent in the 12 weeks to May 25, compared with 30.5 per cent a year earlier. A day later, the chain reports a 3.7 per cent fall in like-for-like sales for the first quarter of its financial year.

July 21, 2014: Tesco announces that Mr Clarke will step down from the board on October 1 to be replaced by Unilever executive Dave Lewis. Sales and trading profit in the first half of the year are ‘somewhat below’ expectations, the company adds.

August 29, 2014: Tesco issues profit warning to tell the markets that it expects its first-half profits will be £400million less than expected. It slashes dividend payments by 75 per cent and £1billion is wiped off the company’s market value.

September 22, 2014: Company launches an investigation after admitting that its previously warned of fall in takings actually over-estimated profits by as much as £250million. Four executives are suspended and shares dive to their lowest level in 11 years as the revelation triggers its third profits warning in as many months.

September 23, 2014: Firm plunges into further crisis as it emerges the chain’s sales have fallen at their fastest rate in more than 20 years. Figures show total spending by shoppers over the past 12 weeks down 4.5 per cent year on year – the worst trading fall seen by the retailer in more than two decades.

October 1, 2014: Britain’s financial watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority, starts a full investigation into the company in the wake of the accounting scandal

October 2, 2014: Billionaire investor Warren Buffett concedes that his investment in Tesco was a ‘huge mistake’

October 7, 2014: Tesco asks a fifth senior executive, commercial director Kevin Grace, to step aside

October 14, 2014: Firm makes three more suspensions – taking total to eight

October 23, 2014: Supermarket reveals profits scandal is worse than expected – £250million instead of £263milllion – as well as a drastic slump in profits. Chairman Sir Richard Broadbent quits that morning because ‘the issues that have come to light are a matter of profound regret.’

December 9, 2014: Company had £2billion wiped from its market value in minutes today after it announced its annual profits may be £550million lower than expected.

December 17, 2014: Analysts at JP Morgan Cazenove publish research showing what could be a £174million gap in the grocer’s profit, on top of the £263million figure Tesco identified from independent analysis by Deloitte.

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Moartea, mai rapidă decât Legea în Paris. La noi cum o fi?

În timp ce poliţia franceză goneşte după terorişti, serviciile de securitate fac arestare după arestare, radicalii islamişti continuă seria atacurilor brutale. După măcelul de ieri de la redacţia Charlie Hebdo, astăzi teroriştii şi-au îndreptat furia asupra moscheelor din Paris.Totul s- a transformat într- o cursă nebună a morţii unde nimeni nu mai controlează nimic.

În toată nebunia asta, nu poţi să nu te întrebi: pe noi, civilii fără veste antiglonţ, căşti şi arme cine ne protejează? Că pe sărmanii aia de ziarişti seceraţi de AKM- urile celor doi nebuni nu i- a apărat nimeni. Deşi au blurat cât au putut momentul în care unul dintre islamişti îi trage un glonţ în cap din alergare, atenţie! cu o armă de asalt ţinută într- o singură mână, poliţistului rănit în zona inferioară a corpului, chiar în timp ce omul legii cere îndurare, din această scenă a morţii lipseşte ceva: reacţia armată a omului legii împotriva ucigaşilor.

Se şţia că redactia publicaţiei satirice era vizată de islamişti, se ştia că radicalii musulmani vroiau capul directorului. Şi cu toate acestea statul francezi a trimis la faţa locului un echipaj de la poliţia municipală. Adică un fel de gardieni publici, care probabil că nu au tras în viaţa lor cu pistolul decât la antrenament. De aici şi lipsa de reacţie a omului legii, care nu a scos pistolul din toc, chiar şi rănit fiind.

Şi mă mai intreb dacă statul francez, puternic militar, puternic şi în serviciile secrete, puternic şi în forţe de elită (probabil toţi au auzit de  Légion étrangère- Legiunea Stăină şi zecile de poveşti despre pregătirea dură), dacă Doamne Fereşte, se îmtâmplă ceva şi la noi, în România, cine îi va opri pe terorişti? SRI- ul ne arată culoarea albastră- nivel precaut de alarmă teroristă, semn că nu avem probleme. Pe lângă asta mă mai linişteşte şi faptul că noi, românii, avem printre cele mai multe structuri armate speciale din lume- vreo 11 sau 12 (Brigada Antiteroristă, structurile speciale ale poliţiei, jandarmeriei, batalioane SOF ale armatei, grupul GNFOS al marinei militare, DIAS, SIAS, etc).

Dar tot nu poţi să nu te întrebi dacă se apucă vreun descreierat să tragă cu arma în locurile publice pe noi, românii de rând, cine ne salvează?

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